Chapter 20- The 4th Galaxy

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"On a second thought.. I mean.. you're not wrong? That does sound like something I'd do" Aries said thoughtfully with her finger on her chin.

"See? You've got nothing to worry about" Gemina exclaimed

"I guess you're right. Still not looking forward to the sunburns tho"

"We get it. You grew up in a cold environment" Gemina sarcastically

"So Sagi, are you planning any pranks against Gemini?" Aries asked as I looked up, my thoughts taking over me

"Can't do that. I pranked him in the play, the rules of prank wars are that the person must prank you before you prank them back. I'm a woman of my word, I'd never cheat even if it would mean I'd get double pranked back" I proudly stated

"Just so you know, my brother is not one to lose, so it'll be a tough battle" Gemina pointed out

"I'll survive.. and I'll make sure I will" I slowly grinned.


"Alright, is everyone here?!" Jupiter exclaimed

We were at Axitude Airport, waiting for atleast a few more of our classmates. So far, we had Aries, Gemina, Virgo, Pisces, Taurus and myself present. I have no clue where the others could be, but they'll have to arrive fast as my sister, Jupiter, is getting incredibly anxious as time is ticking faster and faster each second it passes. She constantly kept looking at her watch, her heart pounding as half of our class hadn't even arrived ad we only had about 20 more minutes to get to the gates of the plane as our flight was booked at 9:30 pm.

"Where is the rest of the class?! Our flight is about to leave within 20 minutes!''" Jupiter paranoidly exclaimed as we all looked at her with a weird expression

"Chillax, they'll be here. I messaged my brother and he said the rest is with them due to Leo having too much luggage for only a week's stay." Taurus calmly explained

"Libra better not be lying, young man is going to get scolded if he did!" Jupiter said sternly although after a while, she sighed as her shoulder slumped back down

"Jupiter don't worry, they're here now" Miss Nebula said as the other half of the class stood behind her as I gaped in shock

"She is here too?!" I pointed in shock at Miss Nebula, who gave me a cold expression in return.

"Time to make fun of her wig!" Gemini exclaimed

"Gemini, do you want to see principal milky way and have a quick word with him?" Miss Nebula said irritatedly

"Miss.. I'm not trying to be cocky or anything but.. our flight is about to leave soon and um.. we should probably go through the gate attendants.." Pisces pointed out

"You do have a point.." Miss Nebula sighed.

"Alright class, follow me! In order please. So Aries, you're at front" Jupiter said as Aries gave a small smile

"Taurus, second."

"Dang it! Now I'm not getting the window seat" Taurus said in dissapoinment

"Gemini and Gemina, then Canc-"

"Excuse me? I don't want to sit next to that" Gemina complained, Cancer frowning upon the rudeness she had just received. She didn't deserve this type of treatment, and I myself aren't even sure why she's being treated this way. Cancer is one of my childhood bestfriends so I could whenever she felt upset, and Gemina, on the othet hand, is one of my newer bestfriends. I personally get along great with her, but when it came to Cancer, she'd always have this type of grudge against her which I'm starting to question.

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