Kairi and Maiya did exactly that

So what do you have to tell us

Kairi said as he shoved fries down his throat

Their mom
Well guys we're going to be having a house warming party and everyone in the neighborhood will be coming so are you guys excited or what

Kairi + Maiya

Their mom
Come on guys it'll be fun

Will, there be any kids our age

Their mom
Yes there will be but you guys need to help me set up

Maiya + Kairi
Do we have to

Their mom
Yes guys now hurry up so we can start setting up

Maiya + Kairi

I finished my food rather quickly

Their mom
Alright let's get started guys, okay Kairi help me move the table outside to the backyard

I did just that I helped her bring the table outside and then chairs also

Their mom
Alright Maiya start putting the table cloth on the table then put the candles

Okay, I did just that

Their mom
Alright guys now I need you guys to help me with the lights so Kairi grab the latter pls

Alright, I grabbed the latter from off of the wall and sat it above where my mom wanted it

Their mom
Okay I need you guys to hold on to the end of the lights don't drop them pls

Kairi + Maiya

Their mom put up the first half of the lights up

"Okay now give me the rest of the lights"

Their mom said


Their mom
Thank you I put up the rest of the lights

So what now

Their mom
Were going to set up the games

Maiya + Kairi

Where are they

Their mom
Inside in a party city bag that's on the couch

Okay, I'll be back, I hurried inside and went into the living room I quickly grabbed the bag and this beanbag toss thing and went outside and placed them down on the floor, okay what now

Their mom
Set them on the grass and put the bean bags on top of each other neatly, please, and then you guys can go shower and I'll finish the rest

Kairi + Maiya

The two of them did what their mom told them

Okay I'm done

Their mom
Okay go get showered and ready

Okay, I left and headed to my room heading straight into my bathroom and undressing
I'm going to take a long shower after gym I was sure smelling like ten cents of bounce that ass
Yea so babes I'm going to take my musty ass an hour shower

Kairi washed his stinky ass for exactly an hour he also did wash his hair and also detangled it

Alright what should I wear I wanna look hot who knows there may be a cute boy or girl there but anywho I kinda wanna show some skin and put some makeup on for once I never show skin

Elie~mairiWhere stories live. Discover now