I See You Down There

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Her hot breath brushed against the shower door, creating a dense fog. Drops of water ran down the side of her face. Her blonde curls stuck against her left cheek as her body was pressed against the glass. She huffed as she was repetitively thrust against it's cool, yet heated surface. She moaned slightly. Her body was tense, and the movement became vigorous, involuntarily curling her fingers into her palm for some sense of control. Her moans growing louder, until they were joined by another male vocal.

She bit her lower lip, squeezing her eyes shut. Then at the very moment... the climax.

The males voice was groaned, soothed and sighed in a perfect transition. The exhaustion was real, but for our young lady, it was a mere turning point.

"That was good, babe." The man caressed her face and kissed her cheek, pulling the sticky strands of hair to the back of her neck. "But I got to get going." He pecked her again. "I'll see you tomorrow." She pulled back from the glass and looked at him with her light blue eyes.

He slid the door open and walked out, grabbing a towel and drying up, before leaving the restroom, then the dim lighted and empty apartment completely.

She looked down at her small-almost bare chest and then far below to her underwear. The bulge was there. She wanted it gone. She pulled the blonde wig off to reveal her true self. A boy, struggling with the fact that he wanted to be a girl, loved and caressed by the hands of a man. 

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