Chapter 2

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I walked out of the bathroom into my room, dragging my feet across the black wooden flooring. I hung my head tiredly, as I walked out of my room shutting the door behind me. I walked down the halls not bothering to look in front of me, as the halls were usually empty besides a few maids and myself.

My father never leaves his office till around midnight, and enters it around six am. I never knew what his job is, and I couldn't care less. If he isn't in his office, he's out with supposedly 'clients' or 'workers' I never believed it completely but I wouldn't know anyway. I walked down the stairs to the main floor, almost bumping into a maid.

I continued to walk and picked up my feet, I looked towards my father's office as the blinds were still closed but the office door was wide open. I couldn't help but walk into his office, curious to see if anyone was there.

I poked my head into the office, and looked around seeing no one.

"It wouldn't hurt to snoop around a bit," I mumbled to myself, as curiosity took over.

I looked around the outside of my father's office to see no one walking by, or watching me. I started walking into my father's office, nervous but curious. I was grabbed by the shoulders and pulled out of my father's office, to see the mystery man look down at me. I looked back up at him before shoving his hands away and breaking eye contact looking at the floor.

I was caught, the only words I could manage to mumble out, "Please don't tell my father," I squeaked out, my voice cracking slightly in fear and desperation. My hand came up to my mouth, as my eyes were wide, only hoping he wouldn't tell him anything.

Before he could say anything, my father walked towards us with a frown when he looked at me. I put my hand down again, looking at the mystery man and back at my father.

"I see you have met my daughter, Skylar." He said with a smile, when he looked at the mystery man.

"Skylar, this is Mr. King, I am a client of his. He will be staying with us for a couple weeks, for business." He added after a few seconds. I just nodded my head, wanting to get away this conversation as soon as possible.

Alexander, stayed quiet watching me and observing like he was curious before speaking, "Please, call me Alexander," He said with a smile that was almost saying, 'I'm not gonna say anything' and held out his hand. I nodded my head, taking his hand and shaking it firmly.

"May I be excused?" I asked my father, putting my hands behind my back respectfully and linked my fingers together.

"Of course," He answered before adding, "After one question."

"Yes?" I asked, getting more nervous than I already was and my hands started to sweat.

"Were you in my office?" He asked harshly, his eyes going cold, making me fall silent under his gaze.

Strangely and unexpectedly, Alexander stepped in. "No Mr. Davidson, she had just came down the stairs when you came to your office." He lied for me, only making me even more confused.

My father nodded his head, looking at Alexander, "Thank you Mr. King, but I wasn't asking you. He looked back to my now empty spot to where I stood.

I continued to run up the stairs, and down the halls before opening my room door and shutting it, as it clicked. I slid down the door, more confused as ever, as to why he would lie to my father for me. I'm no one special, even though the desperation in my voice could've been heard and seen in my eyes.

Why did he lie?

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