Chapater 3: Ron

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A/N: I have decided to finish the story :)

Hermiones pov:

I fluttered my eyes open soon after I slipped out of my bed. Heading for the shower I saw a note fly in and land on my desk. Walking over to it I recognized the hand writing to be Ron's since he doesn't have the best hand writing.

Hermione we need to talk, meet me at the astronomy tower after dinner.

I wonder what's wrong. Me and Ron have been dating for a few months now after deciding we wanted to be more than just friends. Recently ever since I've told him that malfoy was head boy and that were gonna live together he's been avoiding me. I asked I'm a couple times what was wrong but he would always make up some lame excuse for not wanting to answer my question.

After showering and changing I head out into our common room to do a bit of reading before heading out to breakfast. My thoughts start to wonder why Ron wants to see me. I've been thinking lately and have decided to break it off, but of course I can't! He's avoiding me! Suddenly leaving my thoughts I hear dracos door open I look up and glance just before going back to my thoughts, not realizing draco had sit right next to me with a concerned look on his face.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asks cautiously. I jump, I didn't see him sit next to me.

"Oh sorry, just thinking" I say hoping he drops the subject even if I do really want to talk about it!

"Thinking huh? About who?" He asks

"Ron" I simply say

"What about him?" He asks

"He wants to meet me, I'm going to break it off....he's been so distant and always ignoring me, for months now" I say sheepishly.

"Oh....hey look it's time to leave come on!" He's says and stands up, grabs my hand while I drag my bag and wand.

Dracos pov:

I was hoping whatever weasley needing to talk to hermione about was to break it off, she would be heartbroken yes, but he doesn't deserve her in the slightest! Not That I do either. 

After dinner had ended i had seen her leave with weasley, a pang of jealousy coursed through me as I saw her leaving with him. I was just glad to know whatever he needed her for she would most likely end things.

After an hour pass by I heard the portrait open I look up from my finally finished potions essay to see a happy and cheery hermione waking towards our couch and plopping herself right next to me.

"Uh, granger are you ok?" I asked curiosity flowing through me.

"Never been better! I finally ended things with Ron! I know, I know I'm supposed to be all upset and heartbroken but for the first time in a long time I!" She explained

"Wow, so your really ok granger?"I asked

"Yup!" She said in an awfully cheerful tone

"Ok well I'm glad to hear that granger" I say letting relief wash over me.

"Hermione" she simply said

"What?" I ask

"Hermione, call me hermione, we are friends now! Wether you like it or not!" She said with a large adorable smile on her face. How could anyone say no to this girl!?

"Draco, if we're friends call me draco"

"Ok, goodnight, draco" hermione said before practically skipping to her room.

I finally finish my homework and decide to get some sleep.

Entering my room and changing into something comfortable I slip into bed.

For some odd reason I feel happy, really, really happy and I didn't know why. Than it hit me. Hermione! She makes me happy! Just seeing her happy makes me happy! I still had Theo to talk to about possibly liking hermione a bit more than just friends, but I hope she doesn't like anyone. Ahh! Why do I care who she likes!? Just because she makes me happy in a way no one can doesn't mean anything! Right?

Than right before falling asleep I hear her, screaming loudly.

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