Chapter 4- I Know Who I am

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Another few years go by and Pitch and I have become closer after I told how I felt about him, at first he didn't believe me but Onyx told him it was the truth and since then we have become close, hell were engaged and he's been happier. "Jack, are you listening" I'm pulled out of my thoughts bright red, "huh, I mean yes.." he laughs pulling me into a hug, "what am I going to do with you, huh" I smile leaning into him as Onyx comes over and lays next to us, "Jack I think it's time for you to become part fearling like me, your old enough now," I remember when he took me the first I was about 10 to 13 and that was 10 years ago, I'm now 23. "You think so Pitch?" he smiles down at me, "yes, are you willing to become like me" I wrap my arms around his waist standing on my tippy toes and kissing his lips, "yes, I am", 'although I hate that you're like a foot taller than me'. He laughs at my failed attempt to be taller, "ok Jack", he cups my cheek and leans down a little and kisses me deeply. I don't even notice the black circling around my body and seeping into my skin. I finally pull away from the kiss needing air, and notice the sand, I grab onto Pitch and he hugs me. "Just relax Jack" I do as he says and soon I feel like there's another person in my head, telling me stuff and it hurts, I reach up grabbing my head from the pain, "easy Jack, easy, just focus on me ok." I nod and he sits on the bed pulling me down onto his lap and wrapping his arms around me kissing me, distracting me from the pain until I can no longer feel it.

Now part fearling I sense stuff like fear and darkness, and I can understand the nightmares, Onyx tells the most funny jokes, I can also do the things Pitch does with the shadows. Although creating nightmares is a lot harder than it sounds. Today I'm going with Pitch to help take over worlds and collect fear, we start making our way to one, the planet of the pookas, there a rabbit like species we get there and begin attacking until a bright light comes from above us I cover my eyes from it and then nothing for a very long time.

I wake up under the Lake being pulled up by the moon, but I hate the light he gives off and wish for the darkness and coolness of the lake.

I jump awake in North's workshop gasping for air and clutching my chest, I feel arms wrap around me and interactively move away to see it's Bunny, a pooka! The same planet I was on with...Pitch. That's why I know him, realization hits me harder than expected. I'm no guardian, I'm a fearling, Pitch's fearling. My head feels like another being is there, it's been helping me remember, I stand up from the couch and look around me. "Jack mate, are you ok." I don't stop the grin spreading over my face, "I'm more than ok, I know who I am, and Manny failed at showing me what he wanted me to see, because I saw everything from my past." Tooth gives me a concerned look, "Jack what are you talking about, what do you mean you know who you are?" I take a step away from her, "It's simple really, I'm Jack, Jack Pitchiner" Bunny's eyes widen fear radiating from him, "that's right Bunny, I'm back" the look of fear turning into a look of pure hate and I just grin almost laughing, North speaks up still confused, "Jack, Bunny what is going on?" I'm about to answer but Bunny beats me to it. "You all remember I told my planet was destroyed by two people right" they all nod and he continues, "It Pitch and one other person we didn't see because Manny sent a bright beam and it surrounded him and killed him, Pitch had seen this and called out his name." Tooth looks scared, "what was his name?" Bunny just looks at me, "the name he called out was Jack Pitchiner. The same Jack pitchiner in front of us now." I jump into the air as Bunny leaps towards me. "Well this has been fun but, like I said to North before, I won't be joining you all. In fact, I need to get home to my lover, so bye bye." I say and vanish into darkness and it seems to welcome me home. 'I'm back'.

I walk through the shadows following the familiar feeling of Pitch's power until I finally find him in his lair's library, 'he always did love to read', he looks up from his book and in my direction but not seeing me, he puts his book down pulling out his oh so familiar scythe "I know your there, so whoever you are come out and maybe I won't kill you", "Oh Pitch you wouldn't hurt your lover would you" I say stepping out of the shadows and into full view and he almost drops his weapon in shock. "Frost, but how, you're a winter spirit?!?!" I come into view more, "simple, I remember my past and turns out, you and I knew each other a long, long, long time ago. And one point lovers, but then Man-In-Moon killed me just as we were about to the planet of the pookas." I can see the wheels turning in his head trying to understand what I'm telling him when Onyx walks in and straight to me nudging my arm, I pet her along the next, "I've missed you to Onyx, but seems Pitch has forgotten about me" he sits back in his chair still trying to process what I told him. "It seems you're having trouble releasing, I will leave you to your thoughts, if you remember I'll be at the lake." I lean down and kiss his lips then pull away sinking into the shadows once more and returning to the place I used to call home. I look up seeing the Moon, "oh you stupid, stupid moon, did you really think I wouldn't see my full memories, your just lucky I can't come after you. But one day, one day I will make you pay for what you did to me." I sit near the lake for what seems like forever till I sense a familiar presents, "I was wondering when you would show up", I look to my left and watch Pitch sit next to me looking like hell, "so you really think your My Jack" I look into his eyes, his beautiful golden eyes, "I don't think Pitch, I know, I watched everything from the day you stole to the day Manny killed me." He looks out onto the lake lost in thought, "Pitch deep down you know I'm telling you the truth, I'm stupid enough to lie to you, I remember last time I did that and Onyx ratted me out" I can hear a slight chuckle come from Pitch, "you had me locked up in a dark room for 3 weeks before finally letting me out again." "Yeah, although you did get over the fear of being in the dark" I roll my eyes, "yeah, thanks for the reminder" we both sit there laughing at some things from the past before I lean into him and he wraps and arm around my shoulders, "I've missed you Jack", "I've missed you too" I feel him kiss my head and I cuddle into him more and we just sit there for the rest of the night.

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