Rules & Description

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Hey guys, Ezekiel here. I just wanted to let you all know that I was nominated by CrazyViolinWolf. Thank you for nominating me, darling. This should be fun!

Now, here are the rules and such are for this 30 day anime challenge:

Everyday (starting today), I will be posting a chapter of anime related facts. I have the list with me written down, but I sadly don't have time at the moment to write the whole list down. So, to make this fun you'll have to wait till that day comes to see what the challenge/question is for that day.

I will be adding a picture and video each day that goes with my answer to that question. Why? Well, because some animes I watch aren't the "top" and don't get noticed very much, so having a visual will definitely help, and if you like the anime, can now watch it if it peaks you interest!

As for the nominees, they will be annouced in the last chapter after I have completed my 30 day anime challenge.

Now, let's get this goin'!

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