Thirty Six

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Second Person POV 

You and Ban ran beside each other, Harlequin chasing after you two from behind

 "Do you think you can get away from me?" Harelquin said as he sped up and went in front of you two, stopping you both from traveling any farther 

"You again, fake King!" Ban said in an annoyed voice

 "Fake King?" Harelquin mumbled

 "Yep." Ban replied as he nodded his head

 "No, I'm the real King." Harelquin explained 

"We're really busy. Shoo, shoo!" Ban said as he motioned for Harlequin to leave

 "Don't wanna." Harlequin replied making you sigh

 "Oh, really..." Ban picked you up and threw you over his shoulder before running past Harlequin who easily caught up 

"You really haven't changed since back then. You only care about your own greed and nothing else." Harlequin said. 

Ban suddenly reached out towards Harleuqin, his hands moving fast to catch him with his eyes aimed forwards, almost dropping you in the process

 "Hey, don't drop me."

 Ban nodded at your words before paying attention to Harlequin again

 "You bastard. It seems you really are King." Ban said as he smirked, giving up on the act 

"Didn't I say so?" Harlequin asked in an unimpressed voice

 "Then, that's more of a reason to beat the crap out of you!" Ban said as he punched behind him without turning around only to gasp when he punched something soft

 "You two really need to calm down." You mumbled, still resting on Ban's shoulder. 

The two men ignored your words and continued their fight

 "Just like back then when you always tried to hit me." Harlequin said as he slowly lowered himself on a large green rock 

"So, to remind yourself of the old days, you showed yourself?" Ban asked as he gently took you off his shoulder and laid you on the ground before turning over to face Harlequin

 "If it helps, I don't want to reunite with you feeling like this either." Harlequin said with his eyebrows furrowed

 "Ten years ago... When we were accused of attempting to overthrow the kingdom... I had no other place to flee to than my own hometown." Harlequin said sadly

 "But.. What I returned to was a land that had burned down, leaving no remains."

 Harlequin's pillow suddenly grabbed Ban, restraining him from moving

 "You know, that's really kinky." You pointed out as you stood up.

 The two males both blushed, both of them making sure to remember that for the future

 "D-during our time together as the Seven Deadly Sins, I never really cared much about why humans like you are immortal." Harlequin started, still a bit flustered from your comment from just a few second ago

 "To think that it's a power you obtained from killing the Saint and drinking the water from the fountain.." Harlequin finished making you furrow your eyebrows

 "Harlequin, you've got it wrong." You said before sighing at how Harlequin didn't even look over at you

 "How do you know about that woman?" Ban asked 

"The Saint you've killed..." He mumbled as he grabbed Ban's clothes, pulling the blue haired man closer to him

 "I swear to god, you guys look like you're about to kiss." You mumbled as you stared at the two with your (e/c) eyes

"Elaine, was my sister!" Harlequin shouted as he clenched his jaw before unclenching it, his body floating away from the male who was in front of him. 

Ban's eyes widened a bit, a smirk growing on his face

 "I see. So you want to kill me for revenge?" The blue haired man asked 

"That's impossible! I'm immortal!" Ban said

 "You know that my Sacred Treasure has various forms, right?" Your eyes widened as you realized where this was going

 "Harlequin.." You mumbled as you used your powers to make yourself float

 "Stay quiet, (y/n)" The auburn haired male said in a stern voice. 

Harlequin looked at Ban's confused face and nodded 

"Right. You don't remember about things that don't interest you." He said 

"Spirit Spear Chastifol Form Three Fossilization." Harlequin said aloud. 

A circle started to form in the green pillows stomach until a weapon started to slowly pop out of it 

"What?" Confusion was clear in Ban's eyes as he stared at Harlequin

 "It's petrifaction." 

You sighed as you quickly transported to where Ban was just as the weapon started flying towards Ban. 

Too lazy to do anything, you just yawned as you stood behind him 

"Hey! You idiot! Move!" Ban shouted, his widened red eyes staring back at you

 "(y/n)!" Harlequin tried to stop the weapon that fired at you but he was too late. 

You coughed as the weapon pierced into your stomach

 "I'm fine." You reassured the others as your skin started to turn stone like

 "You know, this feels refreshing." You mumbled, enjoying how you felt a bit warmer than before 

"Hey! (y/n)!!" Ban shouted, his hands quickly shredding the pillow apart to let him free

 "(y/n).." Harlequin mumbled sadly as he watched your whole body quickly turn to stone

 "Hey, Ban! Catch me, got it?" You asked as you sent him a wink. 

Your whole body had turned to stone by now and only your face was left. 

Quickly, your face also turned to stone. 

Right after, your stone figure started to fall onto the ground. 

Ban instantly jumped over and grabbed you before gracefully landing on the floor and balancing you, a frown on his face

 Harlequin controlled the weapon and slowly pulled it out before tossing it aside, a guilty look in his eyes.

 Bàlls of yellow light stood in front of you making Ban and Harlequin's eyes widen 

"Is that (y/n) doing that?" Harlequin mumbled 

"No, she can't do anything in the state that she's in right now.." Harlequin gasped as his eyes widened

 "Don't tell me... Elaine.. Is that you?!" 

Hello! Starting from now, chapters that I write for this story will be about 1000-900 words long since I'm too lazy to make a lot of short ones. Well, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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