Combat, I'm ready for Combat

Start from the beginning

Steve glared at her then me and called Gabe over.

"Take the fang bangers down to a prison cell." Steve said.

Gabe grabbed us both and dragged us to a door and then down stairs to a cellar.  He dragged us to cell and threw us in while Hugo begged to be let go.

"Oh hush Hugo.  I know you're a traitor so I don't want to hear your cries." I said.

I blinked out the of the cell some time later after Hugo fell asleep.  I wandered around until I found Godric.  It's then I knew that he gave himself up and that's how they were able to get their hands on him.  I felt sadness as something in me called out to him much as it did to Eric.  I took his hand and put my other hand to his cheek as I blinked us to Eric's hotel room.  Then I immediately blinked back.  I herded all the kids and innocent women who simply married mad men or even vice versa into the storm cellar and locked them in.  I then went about killing everyone.  I do mean everyone.  I took care of all future problems.  I found my brother during my murder spree.  He'd already saw the Newlins for what they were and told me he'd see me back home.  He left as I finished taking care of everyone.  It was a pleasure to kill Steve and Gabe at the end.  I knew Gabe had intended to rape me.  I put them all in the room where they would have the lockdown and brought a real tornado to destroy the place.  I left Hugo alive in the cellar.  If he survives the tornado then he can deal with Godric and Isabel.

"Who are you little Faeling?" Godric asked when I blinked back to the hotel.

"I'm Magnolia.  It's so nice to meet you Godric." I said with a curtsy.

"What were you doing Magnolia?" Godric asked.

"Saving lives." I said.

It wasn't a lie.  I did save the innocents in that place and future supernatural lives.  Soon Stan and Isabel arrived.

"Isabel I want you to take over as Sherriff.  You should know that your pet was the one betraying us.  Do you love him?" Godric asked.

"I-yes, I shouldn't.  But I do." Isabel said.

Two vampires dragged Hugo in who survived my tornado.

"Hugo you are to leave this state and never return.  You won't be safe here anyways.  Get him out of here now." Godric said.

"That's it?!" Stan said angrily.

"Yes, Isabel as suffered enough.  It's for her that I allow him to live.  Is it true Steve and his followers are dead?" Godric asked of the two vampires who had brought Hugo.

"It is.  Only the children and other innocents survived." One of the vampires answered.

Godric met my eyes but said nothing before continuing. 

"Isabel will you accept my request to take over my Sherriff position?" Godric asked.

"I couldn't.  I would never take it from you." Isabel said.

"I know my child but I grow weary.  Please accept." Godric asked.

"Yes Godric, I accept." Isabel said humbly. 

After that it was only us left.

"Eric my child.  It's my time.  I'm going to meet the sun.  As I said, I'm weary of life now.  I want to see what comes after, meet god." Godric said.

I felt my heart turn to stone as Eric began to cry tears of blood.  He followed after Godric as I stood frozen.  Something in me couldn't allow Godric to die.  I snapped out of it and ran after them.  I got to the roof and made Eric leave.  I went in front of Godric and put my hands on his cheeks as I stared into his eyes.

"Godric you aren't weary.  You feel sad.  A deep sadness.  Death isn't the answer my love.  The answer is to have a fulfilling life.  You don't have one.  You've slipped into a boring pattern.  I don't think there is an after for you." I said.

"You don't believe in god?  You think he'd condemn me?" Godric asked.

"He wouldn't.  Condemn you that is.  He doesn't exist.  Godric you know what I am.  I grew up in Faerie where my goddess Danu could reach me.  She's real.  I've spoken with her.  Who has ever spoken to this christian god?  No one.  Don't look for what probably doesn't exist.  Look for what you know does.  Look at your son.  Look at me.  I've just met you and I feel this pull on my heart for you." I said as I stood on my tip toes and brushed my lips on his before stepping away.

Godric stared deep into the Faeling's eyes and he could feel what she spoke of in his heart as well.  He felt the sun rising and made a decision.  He picked the Faeling up and vamped off the roof and back to his son's hotel room.  That morning I slept between the two vampires who now owned my heart and it felt right.

"So you're coming back with me to my area?" Eric asked.

"Yes.  I'll stay at our little Faeling's place if she'll have me.  I promise to not be in the way my son." Godric said.

Unbeknownst to Magnolia before she got back to the room the two had discussed her.  They'd agreed to share her if she agreed to it.

"Of course you can stay with me.  I have an extra room!" I said giddily. 

"There you have it my Maker.  You could never be in my way." Eric said more than happy to have his Maker still alive.

Godric left to get his things before the flight which is when Eric finally questioned me.

"Did you kill everyone at the compound?" He asked.

Godric would never want to know but Eric I knew would understand it had to be done.

"Yes.  I knew Eric.  I knew letting them live would create more trouble for us.  It'd cause more death.  I know you understand letting enemies live won't create peace like Godric thinks.  It will only cause more death.  They won't suddenly see that your kind is good because you allowed them to live." I said.

"I do understand.  Thank you for doing it in a way that can't be scrutinized." Eric said.

"Of course my Viking luv." I said before kissing him passionately.

Two left for Texas but three returned to Louisiana and so the story goes.

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