Chapter I

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"Come on Sansa, we are going to be late!" Arya huffed. 

"When did I ever agree to take you with me?" Sansa glared at her sister.

"Because I said so." their mother joined in. 

"Out of all the universities in the States, you had to choose mine." the redhead sighed.

"Oh come on! At least I am not studying Law like you. Ewww, I can't even imagine.... law." Arya mocked.

"Shut up!" Sansa exclaimed as she slapped her sister's arm. 

"Instead of fighting, are you two ready to go?" their mom asked.

"Well, I am ready." Arya replied.

"Did you check if you got everything?" Catelyn wondered.

"Yes, mom. I am not a child anymore." the brunette complained.

"Couldn't she go with Jon and Robb?" Sansa said out of the blues. 

"No, because they started like a week ago. What would I do alone for a week? Might as well make sure to torture you." Arya smirked.

"You two, please don't fight on the road. Otherwise, have fun." their mother stated before kissing them both on the forehead.

"See you for Christmas." Sansa said before exiting the house. 

Today started a new adventure for Arya Stark. She was finally going to university to study engineering. Their parents suggested for all of their siblings to go to the same university, that way they could help each other if they ever needed to. That was another excuse for sending Sansa to the university of San Francisco. The main reason Sansa was here was because Joffrey decided to study in California. The two families are very close, and Sansa met Joffrey when she was a baby. Ever since they insist on the two to date. Except that it will never happen since Sansa does not like him, and even if she did, he was a fuckboy. He liked girls for their looks, not for how they were. Oh yeah, I almost forgot... Joffrey was kind of a big deal. He was part of the royal family, he was a prince. God, it was so weird when people would bump into him, just constantly apologizing.

Arya and Sansa went on the road. It would take them eight hours to reach their destination. Sansa was not looking forward to it because spending so much time with her sister was a nightmare. Besides, she was not excited to live in such a warm state. She was used to the cold chilly weather of Oregon, and going to California simply meant melting while walking down the sidewalk. 

"Can't believe I am starting uni!" Arya exclaimed.

"That was my same reaction when I first started." Sansa smiled.

"Has it changed ever since?" the brunette wondered.

"Totally. Don't be delusional like me. It will be a lot of hard work and much more boredom." her sister replied without hesitating.

"Wow. Thanks, Sansa! What a way to ruin my experience." Arya said as she rolled her eyes. 

"I barely met decent people, so I am really doing you a favor of being honest." Sansa glanced over to Arya. 

"Well, maybe because you have never fully experienced the uni stuff." the younger girl dared say. 

"Such as?" the redhead asked.

"I don't know. Have you ever been to a party?" Arya wondered.

"Pfft, obviously. Who doesn't go to parties?!" Sansa lied. However, her sister was quick to pick up on whether Sansa was lying or not.

"Liar! You have never been to a party, for real?!" Arya said in disbelief.

"Maybe..." Sansa sighed. "Don't tell anybody, please." she begged.

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