A Life's Story : Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

            I made the mistake of asking mom whether she had ever thought about throwing up when she was dealing with weight issues. We talked about it for a while, and she told me how it was really dangerous, probably trying to scare me, I thought. After our conversation, she eyed me suspiciously, asking whether I had thought of becoming anorexic or was anorexic. I lied of course. But her answer had shocked me enough to drop my glass, spilling my milk.

            “Yes, I was anorexic. But it isn’t the best way to deal with weight, honey. I’ve been there and yes, it does work but I was terribly sick for a long time after. I don’t want you doing that. Do you hear me?” I nod. She expects me to lose weight, and she won’t even let me do it the exact way she did it, what a mom. After dinner, she secretly spied on me and once I went to the bathroom I heard her sneak up there. I knew she was trying to see if I was going to throw up. I decided not to, just so she won’t be suspicious for the night. I felt ashamed of keeping food in my body. I decided I will punish myself by not eating tomorrow. That will serve me right; I will not have any pleasure of food in body, which would be taken out later. I decided to just go to bed.

            Going to sleep wasn’t easy. I remember asking out a boy once, even just as friends the answer was a no, I really liked him, so did a lot of people but I didn’t care. I thought he would’ve liked me back or would’ve said yes, but he didn’t. No one did. Who would want some fat and ugly? No one! I would still think people would ask me or like me or something, just by knowing me simply. I’m not a bad person, really. I just don’t have the looks. Everyone found out that I had asked that boy and they all laughed at me. But I knew why I wasn’t going to be asked by anyone because I wasn’t as pretty as her. I don’t think I’ll even have a date for the end of year dance. I’ve trying to lose weight just for the dance, so I could fit in a dress and look pretty. It was still half a year away though. Eating healthy wasn’t working, nor did my athletic teams and sports helped; so I became anorexic.

            I saw my weight today…140 pounds. I lost 5 pounds in about a week or so. I’ve only got a few months before dress shopping. My goal is to be at least at 110 pounds. I wonder and am scared whether I’ll fit in a dress, let alone actually look nice in the dress. I slowly doze off into a nightmare, which was reality to me, another being my life’s story.

*Author's Comment*

Hi guys, sorry it was short. i just wanted itto end in that sentence, and i had no idea what else to write for now :P

i decided to take this story off, because i was having trouble writing because i was caught up in school, but my february break is gunna start in two weeks, so i'll see whether i should continue by seeing comments and what readers think of my story. anyway, im gunna go now ...

bye   :P


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2011 ⏰

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