And You Know Damn Well For You I Would Ruin Myself A Million Little Times

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Alex's letter was burned the moment Elizabeth had written back, but she couldn't stop thinking of what he said

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Alex's letter was burned the moment Elizabeth had written back, but she couldn't stop thinking of what he said. Was she really on his mind all the time? She knew that it was wrong, but she couldn't stop thinking about Alex. Well, she could, but when she remembered what he said, all bets were off. She knew that Alex would probably never leave her mind, not when she was alone.

It was ruining her, the way she would think about her best friend's fiance. It was ruining her own mind and it was ruining her friendship with Grace. It was as Grace knew that even if Elizabeth would never chase Alex again, she was still infatuated with the British soldier.

"Lizzie, Alex comes home today. They said some Irish were also on the beaches. Maybe Damien is there!"

"He would have told me he was at the beaches. He is due home in another month, you know that."

"I know. That's why you're packing up you entire life here." Elizabeth looked at Grace, who was sitting at her vanity while Elizabeth packed up her apartment. "You will come visit, will you? Or write?"

"Of course. Just because I'm going home doesn't mean I will forget you. You're stuck with me for the rest of your life, Grace, whether you want to be or not." Grace smiled, going back to putting on lipstick.

"I can't wait to see Alex again. I know he will be upset, but I hope I'll be able to comfort him somewhat."

"You can only try your best. You and I cannot imagine what they saw over there. Poor Tommy, he said his family won't be coming."

"Tommy has us."

"You'll be too busy with Alex. I'll take charge of Tommy, yes?" Grace smiled, nodding. "Okay, now get ready to see your fiance! I need to pack a few more items before we leave."

"It's not fair that you get to wear the most plain clothes and still be as beautiful as you are. I have to get all done up to get to half of what you look like when you've just woken up." Elizabeth smiled, shaking her head. Over the few months she was here, she noticed that if Grace is anything, she is subconsciously insecure of her own image. The jewels and makeup she wears makes her feel confident so who is Elizabeth to tell her that she should wear them. "Now, they said the train will get in around noon, it's ten now. What should we do?"

"I need to pack. My train to London is tomorrow." Grace pouted. "I won't forget about you, Grace. Besides, you will have Alex to distract you. And, you must take care of Tommy. He'll feel forgotten if you invite him nowhere."

"You're too kind for your own good, Lizzie. Alex and I will come to Ireland next year. I told him I want our honeymoon there, just so I could see you."

"Yes, well. Damien and I will have a farm a good ways from a big city. City rates are far too expensive for either of us. Damien wants peace."

"Yes, well, Alex can drive. Besides, don't you want to go to a city for a few days?" Elizabeth didn't have the heart to explain to Grace that no matter what she wanted, her and Damien would likely not be able to afford it. "Now, pack your things, I'll keep you company until we leave."


The station was packed. Families of the soldiers were shoulder to shoulder, going up on their toes to see if they could find the soldier they were patiently waiting for. Elizabeth couldn't help but feel for the families who were waiting for a soldier that would never get off the train.

"I can't see a thing! What if Alex leaves without seeing us." Elizabeth rolled her eyes as she tried to calm down Grace.

"You told him we'd be waiting on the platform, yes?" Grace nodded. "Then he will look for you and me on the platform. Here comes the train. I'll try to spot Alex. Tommy will be impossible to spot."

"The poor man is so short, someone may mistake him for a child." Elizabeth laughed at Grace's comment, before the train pulled up to the platform, stopping. The families cheered and Elizabeth couldn't help but cheer as well. She was proud of her soldiers. Even if it was a retreat, they held the beaches and they held the boats.

As soldiers piled off the train, she could feel Grace's anxiety seep off of the English girl and into the Irish girl's blood. She was nervous. They didn't actually know if Alex or Tommy had made it off the beach, the last they heard of the soldiers, they were both alive, but that was before the final push. They may not see either soldier today.

"Oh my god, I see him! Alex! Alex!" Elizabeth looked over to where Grace was waving and sure enough she saw Alex. The soldier looked up from his feet, seeing Grace and smiling gently before he laid eyes on Elizabeth. Her heart leapt when he turned to look at her. She was swept away, wanting nothing more than to run into his arms, but Grace had beat her to it. "Oh, I'm so glad you're okay. We were so worried. Well, I was ridiculously worried and I'm sure Lizzie was too, but she was much better at hiding it."

"She had you to take care of too." It was then that Elizabeth noticed Tommy standing at Alex. She smiled at him, wanting to pull him into a hug, but noticing the dirt on him. "Wait until I'm cleaned off. It's oil, blood, and sweat, stay away from me at the moment." Elizabeth smiled.

"Welcome home, Tommy."

"Thanks Lizzie."

"Do I not get a welcome home?" Elizabeth turned to look at Alex, who had one arm wrapped around Grace, who now had oil on the front of her dress. "I fought too, y'know."

"Yes, well Grace was saying hello enough for the both of-" Elizabeth stopped short, seeing a familiar silhouette at the far side of the platform. "Oh my god. Damien." The three other members of the group turned to see who Elizabeth was looking at. "Damien!" The soldier turned, Elizabeth now sure that it was her Irish soldier, as she pushed past Tommy and Alex to get to him. The soldier dropped the pack he was carrying, walking faster to her, wrapping his arms around her as she barrelled into him. His buried his face into the crook of Elizabeth's neck and his hands went to the back of her head. She didn't care that he was covered in blood or oil. She was glad to have him back in her arms. "Oh my god, you're okay." She pulled away, her hands going to his face, checking for injuries. "You're okay."

"I'm okay." He pulled her in by the back of the neck, kissing her hard. "I never thought I'd see you again. I love you." He kissed her lips. "I love you." He kissed her again. "I love you." Elizabeth smiled, this time initiating their kiss.

"I love you too. So much. I missed you. You never told me you were on the beaches." He opened his mouth, but looked behind Elizabeth, standing up straight, making the woman turn around to see Alex, Tommy, and Grace all walking towards them. "Oh, these are my friends. This is Tommy and this is Grace and her fiance, Alex. Everyone, this is Damien." She kept hold of his hand, but moved away from the front of him so they could get a proper meeting if they wanted.

"Nice to finally meet you, Sir. Thank you for everything you did." Grace held out her hand quickly, making Damien startle, stepping back, before relaxing realizing it was just a handshake. "Sorry, I didn't-"

"You're the soldier that was already on the boat with us. The U-Boat Captain." Elizabeth cursed Alex's loud mouth as she felt Damien stand up straighter, almost in fear. He said nothing and they fell into silence, a silence that was too uncomfortable to bear.

"I'll take you home so you can clean off. Are you home for good?" Elizabeth was addressing Damien now, not caring that the other three were in front of her. She could tell something was wrong with Damien, she wanted to make sure he was okay. The soldier just nodded, letting Elizabeth pull him past the three people in front of them and towards the exit.

"I'll have to report to the Navy Headquarters in Dublin before we leave the city, but I imagine I'm home for good. I'm no use to them now that I'm shell shocked."

"Don't say that. You went through hell and back, Damien. You did your time. Let someone else step up now."

"Just, tell me about your time here. I don't want to talk about the war." And Elizabeth obliged, telling Damien everything he missed when he was in France. 

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