"It's so good to see you again, Lin." Kya placed a hand on Lin's arm. 

"It's- uh- it's good to see you too." Lin said quietly. 

"Do you remember the last time we saw each other?" Kya asked. 

Lin chuckled. "As if it were yesterday." She said. 

"How's life been?" Kya asked. 

"Su and I kind of fell off a bit again. We never really talk anymore." Lin said. She was always open with Kya. 

"I'm sorry, Lin." Kya said. 

"No, don't be. It's how it is. People get bored of me, and they start walking out of my life." Lin said. "It's not a big deal." She let herself relax in her seat. 

"How's it been for you?" Lin asked. 

"Oh, you know, I was traveling around a little bit before moving back to Republic City." Kya said. 

"Where to?" Lin asked. 

"The North Pole, Kyoshi Island, the desert, just.. everywhere. It was nice. It felt like I was eighteen again." Kya said. 

Lin took small glances at her, watching the way she ran her fingers through her hair. 

"Want a picture, Beifong?" Kya smirked to herself. 

"What- uh- no?" Lin said. 

Kya chuckled before pulling her phone out and holding it up to get a picture of her and Lin. 

"Kya- what's are you doing!?" Lin put her hand up to block her face. 

"You look so cute, Beifong!" Kya giggled at the photo. 

"Yeah.. whatever." Lin grumbled to herself.

Lin pulled into the gas station and parked the car. 

"I'm going in to pay for gas. Do you want anything?" Lin asked Kya. 

"A kiss would be nice." Kya mumbled under her breath with a chuckle. 

"A what?" Lin asked. 

"Oh, um, I said a water would be nice." Kya said with a smile. 

Lin got out of the car and walked into the station. She grabbed Kya's water and a drink for herself, then paid for them along with the gas. It was starting to get dark out. 

She walked out and noticed Kya standing outside of the car, pumping gas, and a tall figure standing next to her, talking to her. Lin approached them. 

"Here's your water." Lin said. 

"Thank you, Linny." Kya smiled. Lin froze hearing the nickname. Linny. Kya hasn't called her that since Lin got onto the force. 

"So, like I was saying, I got a place a few blocks from here if you wanna hang out for a bit." The man said. 

"Ah, I'm flattered, but as you can see, I'm busy." Kya gestured to Lin, who was now sitting in the car. 

"Oh come on, she seems like a buzz kill anyways." The guys smiled. 

Kya put the gas cap back on and got in the car with Lin. She leaned in and kissed Lin's cheek as the guy watched. 

Lin froze and her face became red. 

Kya let out a low chuckle when the guy finally walked away. "You okay, Lin?" she continued to giggle and she rested her hand on Lin's thigh. 

"Yeah." Lin quickly put her seat belt on and started driving down the road again.

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