Hip 2 Be Square

24 5 14

Authors Note:
Spencer is the correct age during this because I feel weird making him twelve and iris fourteen. Especially since they are gonna fall in love. So like I know it doesn't completely match up, however he is still a super genius.

Iris's POV:
It has been one week since we have started "school". I say that in quotes because well, I don't consider me lying in bed scrolling through TikTok while a teacher talks, school. Literally all I do is stay in bed. Actually no. Freakin honors math makes me actually work. However, our teacher made us all have a group chat so now I have people's number. There's apparently this smart kid in my class who's also in my other classes and I'll probably have him help me. I don't know who he is, but from what people have told me he's a super genius. I think his name's like Spencer Reid? He's about to be my new best friend and tutor me in math because heaven knows, that I need it. See the worse thing about honors math is that you can't complain you are dumb, because you are in a freshman honors math class. So whenever I complain about how much it sucks my friends tell me I shouldn't because I am in the smart people class. Like bitch shut up and let me complain. It's not my fault I didn't take Russian math and got here on pure skill and accidents. Oh fuck, speak of the fucking devil... Math starts in two minutes and I look like shit.


I'm back bitches! My English class got cancelled which means I have ninety minutes to learn math and do the homework. Oh wait super genius is in my English class!! That means I can text him and ask for help. Thank heavens, let's do this.

Spencer Reid

Hey it's Iris from ur math class
(Sent 10:30)

Hi Iris, what can I do you for?
(Sent 10:31)

U r like a genius right??
(Sent 10:31)

Well I wouldn't say that. However, I do have an eidetic memory and can read 20,000 words per minute.
(Sent 10:32)

K so u r a genius
(Sent 10:32)

Fine yes, I am a genius.
(Sent 10:33)

K I have a proposal, u teach me math and I'll teach u to text like a fourteen year old and not a seventy year old man!!
(Sent 10:33)

I do not type like a seventy year old man!
(Sent 10:34)

That's exactly what one would say!
So do we have a deal?
(Sent 10:34)

Fine, we have a deal.
(Sent 10:35)

So u admit that u type like a seventy year old man?
(Sent 10:35)

No, I did not say that!
(Sent 10:36)

No, but u implied it
(Sent 10:36)

Oh my gosh, you are gonna make this really difficult for me aren't you?
(Sent 10:37)

Ofc I am boy genius, ofc i am
(Sent 10:37)

(Sent 10:37)

Oh my lordie u have a lot to learn boy genius
(Sent 10:37)

That's my contact name now isn't it?
(Sent 10:38)

It wasn't before but u can bet ur behind it is now!!!
U rly r a genius!!!
(Sent 10:38)

I am starting to regret this.
(Sent 10:38)

No ur not
I'm just too cool for u to not like 🦹‍♀️
(Sent 10:39)

(Sent 10:39)

Omg he knows how to use emojis!!
My grandpa could never
(Sent 10:40)

You are insane. I am going to start the math homework now, feel free text me if you need any help.
(Sent 10:40)

Will do boy genius!
Expect a text shortly!
(Sent 10:41)

Although he said he doesn't mind helping me, I don't want to look dumb by texting him within ten minutes. So I'm currently suffering and sobbing at my desk. Seriously, she gives like three minutes to teach us what to do and then assigns a fuck ton of homework! It's the first week of school girly, calm the fuck down. I set a time for eleven minutes and thirteen seconds, so when that goes off I can text boy genius that I'm confused. I make myself hot chocolate and then open my math notebook. You can see the tear stains on my notebook and my messy notes. This is not going to be fun for me. Lucky for me, my phone buzzes.

The Love of my Life👸💖

Hi love!!
(Sent 10:47)

Hey pumpkin!!!!
What's up???
(Sent 10:48)

Derek and I r gonna go to Dunkin' later
U wanna come?
(Sent 10:48)

YES PLS!!!!!
I need coffee and hash browns!!!
What time r u going
(Sent 10:49)

We're going to the one by ur house so we'll knock on ur door and pick u up
(Sent 10:50)

Sounds good!!
I gtg figure out math now!!
I'll talk to u later love!!
(Sent 10:50)

Bye Iris!!
(Sent 10:51)

Bye Penny!!
(Sent 10:51)

Authors Note:
Hiii I hope u liked the chapter!! Not this chapter me just complaining about how I hate taking honors math. Haha anywho expect a chapter this weekend!!! I love you all!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2020 ⏰

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