"Maybe when I no longer need you, I will kill you."

"I look forward to finding out. Now, as I said, we need to move."

As they continued, Kira's eyes rested on the slouched figure of James. How had she not worked it out? Not seen what Eliana really was? Was she blinded by love? Fooled by finally having a friend? Until the rebellion, Kira only ever really trusted her mother and, before his death, her grandfather. That was family, this was a choice, and she had made the wrong one. If only she had been more careful, taken time to get to know Eliana before throwing herself at the first person who showed they cared. Her thoughts went back to Louisa. She had mistrusted the truth and given her trust to the lie. If only she knew then what she knew now, she could have stopped this fractured future from unfolding.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" Eliana's frustrated voice came from further up the street.

Kira pulled herself away from the scene. She had made mistakes, but she still had hope of finding her mother. That was the one force that had got her to this point, she would not abandon it now. If she failed that mission, all this death would be for nothing. With new resolve, Kira marched toward Eliana. They carried on in silence through streets packed with rundown shacks made of wood and iron; in a few cases cardboard had been used to patch up holes. With nothing else to say, silence surrounded them, the only noise the crunching of feet on the uneven surface, or the odd instruction of which way to go, before Kira corrected Eliana's directions. It all felt eerie to Kira, she now walked down the middle of the street, a queen of her city. Before this happened she was more like a shadow, dodging the hubbub in the streets, avoiding the chatter, music and arguments. Not until now did she realise how much she missed that. How many times had she shouted in her head for people to go away, to leave her alone? Now she wished for them to come back, to make this place vibrant once more. Stepping over a dead body, she paused and looked down. She had never looked at anyone properly before; what was this person's story? How did they survive? What were their hopes and dreams? A tear came to her eye again as she realised it was her who was responsible for taking those dreams away. The thought exploded from her mind as she heard a loud ding up ahead, and noticed the wall of an abode shaking.

"Stop," Eliana cried, raising her arms, "we're with Princips."

Two soldiers walked down the road, guns ready, fingers on triggers in case any sudden movements were made. The one to the right laughed, "nice try."

"We are," Eliana's voice cracked, now showing genuine fear, "check my scan."

"Should we just shoot her?" the one to the left asked.

Now nearly upon them, the right-hand soldier replied, "better not, I'm not prepared to get in trouble for these two."

"So we can go then?" Eliana asked, hopefully.

"I think we'll scan you," the soldiers had reached Eliana and Kira, but not lowered their weapons, barrels pointed threateningly at their faces. The right-hand soldier lowered his rifle, pressed his watch a few times and spoke loudly, "sir, we've found two people who claim they are with us, should we scan them before disposing of them?"

"No," a tinny voice came back, "I've just received new orders. A new Chief Exec has been elected and called off the attack. Just let them go."

Elation filled Kira, she was another step closer to reuniting with her mother. Eliana, however, had concern etched across her face. "Who is the new Chief Exec?" she asked.

The soldiers shrugged, not only showing they did not know, but they did not care. This was just a job to them, a way of keeping out of the slums.

Eliana put on her sternest face, raised her body to a more administrative stature and said, "well, aren't you going to find out?" The soldiers shrugged again, unsure if they should laugh at her or follow the order. "Well, go on."

With a heavy sigh, the right-hand soldier talked to his watch once more, "sir, just out of interest, who is the new Chief Exec?"

"Err," came out the speaker, "give me a sec." Eliana kept staring at the soldiers whilst they waited, leaving the Princips guards to apply false smiles and try their best not to make eye contact. A short while later the watch chimed, and the voice said, "Martha McGovern."

The authority drained from Eliana's face, leaving nothing but shock. "Oh no."

"What?" Kira asked.

"Martha's like some sort of freedom fighter. She'll free the slaves, develop the slums."

"What's bad about that?" anger filled Kira's question.

"If she finds I was working with Kendra, that's the end for me." Kira did not know how to reply, so many thoughts flooded her mind. What did this mean for her mother? Would Princips still help find her? "Look, you'll be fine. If they know where your mother is, they'll find her for you. You don't need me anymore."


"I've got to go, don't worry about me, just get to the city, you'll be fine."

Kira's chest tightened, her vision spun, her brain exploded with what if questions. She could barely make out Eliana walking away, trying to break into a run whilst not looking suspicious. Then it hit Kira, the view of Louisa, laying dead on the floor of her home. She had sided with the devil, but the devil had come unstuck. She had predicted a future where being evil would get you what you wanted, but light always shone through in the end. Kira may have made a mistake before, but she could rectify it now. She pulled a gun from its holster, looked up and prepared to fire. But Eliana had gone, disappeared in an empty street like the witch she was. Hands shaking, Kira let the gun fall. She dropped to her knees, sobbing uncontrollably. If her mother was alive, how could she face her now?

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