Chapter 50

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"We can just fly under them, stay there, if we are close enough they won't drop bombs," Stephanie said.

"Are you confident about that?" Daniel replied.

"What other choice do we have?"

A voice came from the back, "I reckon I could get inside if we're underneath."

Stephanie and Daniel looked to each other, saying, without words, 'it might work, what other choice do we have?'

"I'll need a pilot with me though, someone to fly that thing."

Stephanie nodded to Daniel, who replied, "no, no, no. I'm no action man, I can't get into that thing."

"I would do it," Stephanie said, "but I've got a steadier hand than you. You'll probably flip the plan with the door open."

With a grunt, Daniel unclipped himself. As he got out of the seat he said, "if we survive this you'll owe me one."

He placed his hand on a pad next to the hatch that faced toward the back of the plane. The scan completed, the area below the hatch swung forward, creating a doorway. As Daniel entered the rear of the plane, the one who suggested the idea had started to get ready. She had more muscles in her little finger than Daniel did in his entire body. Her brown hair was pulled tightly across her scalp and braided into two plaits, and colourful cartoon tattoos covered both arms. She appeared like a child in a marine's body, complete with dusty green tank top and camo trousers.

Unsteady on his feet, Daniel edged over to his colleague. She had stowed a handgun in each holster on the side of her body, grabbed a grappling hook gun and picked up a mini blowtorch. It did not take a rocket scientist to work out the intended plan. Dangling from a plane whilst cutting through a metal chassis was not Daniel's idea of fun. She looked up, straight into his face, with her mouth down-turned. With hands raised, Daniel stepped back, losing his footing and sitting on another passenger.

"Sorry," he said, getting up.

"If you've finished," the woman, Alejandra, said, "we can get this mission sorted."

"Erm...yeah," Daniel stuttered. Noticing she had no more equipment, he added, "are you going to get any breathing apparatus?"

"We're too low down, we won't need any."

"I know, but given the speed we are moving it will help."

With a reluctant node, Alejandra agreed. Daniel took on his duty of retrieving them. Opening a locker behind him, he pulled out two masks, small metal tanks fitted to the front of them. He barely took a step when Alejandra shouted, "we're ready, you can lower the door."

"Alright," Stephanie replied, "everyone hold tight."

The chill came instantaneously, a heavy wind whipping at their faces. Those buckled in shook whist Alejandra and Daniel danced on the spot before grabbing handles near the door. Half of the wall descended, making a ramp for when the airship landed. At least this gave them a platform to work on. Like a majestic tightrope walker, Alejandra let go of her hand hold, slipped on the breathing mask, and walked out onto the open platform. Panic built in Daniel; she did not have a parachute on, surely he was not expected to head out without one. How easy it is to feel emasculated, how easy it is to do something foolish. Rather than grabbing a parachute, Daniel followed. His legs shook, stumbling every time the plane adjusted position. The lack of light, which the bomber blocked out, did not help. Daniel forgot the cardinal rule, don't look down. The dusty yellow slum below gave the image of a child's sandpit. That thought stopped him taking notice of where his feet went. Kicking a metal grove, Daniel tumbled forward. His hands shot out to stop the fall, but the floor was not there, only the slum below. A surge of anxiety filled his body, and the entire world stopped. He leaned, motionless, staring at the slum, but it did not move closer. He had heard of moments when time slows, but never thought it would completely stop. No, that was not it. Something held him in that position. Could this be the afterlife? Had he fallen and died? Was some ethereal creature coming to take him to the next life? Daniel felt a tug on his shirt. Soon he sat on the platform, staring up at a woman.

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