Chapter Five: The Ninja Encounter

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It's late at night he's done dinner, Helen does the housework, Bob and Dash are watching TV, Jack-Jack is playing in his park and then Violet and in his room to read, Bob changes his channel and then falls on the news.

"Latest News, A hostage taken and taken to a theater that only asks the unbelievable to land them to death for a reson unknown, Nobody knows who he is dealing with a terrorist, a criminal, man or woman, the incredible can help his people will have it when they have more. " Said the newspaper, Bob gets up and he shouted.

"OK ALL THE WORLD HAVE A RESCUE MISSION TO MAKE THEN PREPARING YOU." Bob said. Everybody put on their show and then left for the theater.

One hour drive

The police have surrounded the theater then they are on the sights the hostages to see if they are well, the commissioner is waiting for the call of the mayor to know if he have contact the incredible.

"The incredible commissioner is there." Said a policeman

"Perfect, who comes here." Said the commissioner, the family and get ready for the action.

"What is the situation?" Request Mr incredible.

"Its a hostage-taking, police officers who have responded to the anonymous call that someone is going to be slaughtered, He tells us to send the unbelievable to be the problem if not he will kill them." Said the commissioner.

"Man or woman?" Request Mr incredible.

"Man but we never see him hiding in the theater at this moment." Said the commissioner.

"Very well, please, give me a radio to stay in touch!" Said Mr incredible, the commissioner gives him a radio.

"Well, its button close to lenterne his to send a team of assault and the button on the left his for spoke, good luck!" Said the commissioner, Mr. Amazing returns to his family.

"Ok, how did everyone do it?" Request Mr incredible.

"Can I run to free the hostages?" Suggest Dash.

"Good idea." Said Mr Incredible.

"I can become invisible to examine the area." Proposes Purple.

"Very good parton." Said Mr incredible who enters the theartre, Violet is invisible and then returns. The unbelievable are in the big room then suddenly he sees the police who are attached to the ceiling and then a light is alumer in showing a ninja who looks adult with a classic ninja.

"Good evening, the incredible, I'm happy to see you." Said the ninja, Bob, Dash and Helen look at him, Violet she goes on the second floor at the same levels of the ninja.

"You will be less happy when you are captive." Said Mr Amazing

"I'm flattering Mr incredible, I see that your daughter is not there and your baby? Bof will find him then you knew the rest." Said the ninja, for Bob to play with his children his will put him in a crosshair, he will darken the ninja.

"Beware of you, it's not me who has given you the chance to kill you my master and not me who will salt my hands, I am the messenger, but him." Said the ninja who clack owes them a young ninja with a handle cut with a cut-off cicatrix on both arms, On are his right arm he has a yin and yang tattoos with a hand of blood, He wears a black hood with a yellow mask and two katana.

"I present you Razor our champion, his him who will take care of you." Said the ninja.

"But its just a child ?!" Said Helen

"I know, just Razor finds invisible-girl." Said the ninja, Razor puts his two knees down to meditate and then he focuses his head slightly leaning to the ground.

"Court Dash." Said Helen, Dash as fast as possible to assom him, For Dash when he's running the time slowing down, when he's about to hit, Razor looks him in his eyes his loses him concentration slipping on the floor, Razor take Dash on the neck and then lift it to have control over dash.

"Invisible-girl if not show you Razor will kill him." Said the ninja, by his words Helen takes the initiative to attack by stretching his arms to attack him then his should not to give luck but Razor takes a kunai then he gives cut on the finger of Helen, Razor looks at the Ninja to know the orde.

"Kill everyone, including the hostages, I'm going to get the baby." Said the ninja then he disappear, Razor launches Dash on the parent then he so are katana then he shot the head of the hostage that his kind a lot of blood, Bob and Helen are on the total shock he really did.

"My God." Said Helen.

"He is not human." Said Bob

Violet she sees all, she and always, she approaches slowly to have a good distance but Razor watch the direction and then he runs with his two katana, she put a parierre to block and walk but it is no longer invisible , they look themselves in the eyes, Violet see in the yellow mask a facial face of colar.

"You do not have to do that, you do not have to." Said Violet but Razor does not listen he kicks her with a kick and then she falls into the void.

"Invisible girl!" Said Bob who runs to catch him, He has succeeded, Razor he jumps then he catches the unbelievable then he comes to them with his katana.

"Invisible-girl, barrier around us!" Said Bob, Violet listen to her father and then she makes a barrier around the family, Razo stop them in front of the barrier then he gives katana shots.

You will not break my barrier. "Violet says, Razor kisses a katana in the box and then prepares to break through the barrier and suddenly an assault team enters the theater.

"See you being encircled!" Said the leader of the assault, Razor so very quickly are another katana, the assault team will shoot.

"Wait for her just a child" says Helen

"Sorry but he is accusing me about death." This is the police officer who fired to shoot.

"NO" Said Helen but he shot but Razo cut the balls in half and then he killed two policeman with the balls cut, his intimidated the policeman.

"Brothel opened the fire!" Said the leader of the assault but Razor he blocks all the balls then police them falling like ugly who remained the leader of the assault.

"NO!" Said the leader who shoots but Razor blocks him.

"Why are not you dead." Said the leader sweating in fear backing into the dark and Razor the join in the dark.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH" says the chef then Razor comes out.

"Mom, Dad, I'm really scared." Said Dash

"Me too." Violet said uneasily.

"All is well, have a way." Said Helen looking for ideas.

Razor looks at the ground then he shook his head then he point of the must to say (You are the prochin).

He squeezes his katana then he prepares himself to break through the barrier, he runs towards him then welds he makes a jump to the arrier to dodge the ice, Razor looks are aggressor then he sees an individual in white and blue sky

"Hi all I miss you?" Frozone's request that look attentively are adversely.

"I dream or his just a child?" Frozone asks surprised then looks around him.

"Did he do that?" Frozone application.

"Do not underestimate him, he's dangerous." Said Mr incredible. Razor has more time, he throws a shuriken on the lights to make him fall into the dark.

"Be careful, he'll go out." Said Mr Incredible

"worry not I can see in the dark with his visier." Said Frozone looking around him.

"A problem?" Said Bob

"He left." Said Lucius.

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