Knight x Vessel!Reader

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This turned out a little bit sad, I'm sorry :(

You're one if those vessel, who were created by Pale King to find the hollow one to keep the blinding light inside of it so his kingdom would sleep peacefully and was bothered by the weird creature that appeared in their dreams and told them to join her and be one with the others, to share the "heat". Well, there were enormous off attempts but eventually most of them were failed and that made Pale King really disappointed. He was spending all of his time trying to make to do the best for the sake of saving the Hallownest. Vessel after vessel, hundreds after millions, you were created. The last batch. Wyrm put all of his hope on this batch of vessel to be hollow, no, one of you all. He put you through different challenges, yet all survived and were not broken not even a slight crack on their shell, and even capes were still not torn apart. Hit after hit, pain after pain, puddles after droplets of void from you siblings. Pale King hoped, that you were the one, but eventually cracked under the chosen one, he hit you directly in heart, you body wanted to scream of the agony that flow over you like a giant wave. It was not like other pain, it was mixed with disappointment, sorrow and more of negative things. You couldn't scream but you wanted it so much, your siblings watching you die inside in disappointment and agony, they could hear you silent screams of void inside you. The nail that was once inside of you was now out and you fell on floor and eventually the hole in your body disappeared as the void regenerated, you looked at your father but he just turned away. He was angry, he was disappointed in such thing he put so much hope on. You knew what was coming, you were shaking and one of your siblings noticed that when you hot back to your bedroom with a lot small vessel's beds. They stroke you back of the cape gently and the they held your hand leading you to your bed. His horns were on sides and split in the end, they were like the chosen one. But maybe they cared but still were cold as Pale King? You eventually god in bed covering yourself in pale grey blanket, your mother — White Lady came in. Yeah I didn't tell you that there is a throne like in thing in front off all beds? No? Sorry, my mistake. So White Lady sat in her throne, and started singing? No , she used her magic in her roots and they made a calming melody to put you to sleep. This melody was the best sound your void could feel and catch, it made you forget your mistakes and problems. You forgot about the last trial that was coming.
- - - The next day - - -
You wake up from the steps, as every vessel did, and got out of their beds. The doors opened from seal and you and other left the room. Pale King wanted the Hollow to be near him but the others were in the back, he didn't looked back. No regret, no empathy, no feelings, pure void. We were placed in the big rooms with others, everyone in straight lines as you did. The one with two horns with split on the end was right from you and they noticed that you were shaking almost started leaking void there but the touch of their hand calmed you and they offered you a hand. You accepted that and were just standing here until the passage was ready to transport you all to somewhere, where you may die. Pale King appeared with multiple of Kingsmould's, they were leading you to somewhere where there was no light, every step you took it was more dark, until you reached it.
The Abyss
You saw Kingsmould throwing vessel in the pit if they were refusing to do it by themselves. You and "Ghost", you suddenly decided to name them, based on their behavior. You were still holding hands, you decided to help them survive, or try to. You two jumped of the edge and you flipped in the air making position like the Ghost were on top of you, you held them closely and you head shells met, silent wind whispering aside from you. You looked in their void eyes and understood that they were strong enough to hold it. They were stronger than you, they had more chances to survive. They were-
You fell crashed, the Ghost was safe and undamaged. They were saved by your sacrifice, they lied here and waiting until the rain of corpses will stop. And it did. Then he tried to escape. He failed to escape because the doors were sealed, it was the end?..

Phew! Managed to end this thing! Sorry for my obvious mistakes if there are! Im still practicing my English!

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