Chapter 5

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"Yeah, let's go." Oel agreed.

Kima nodded and lead the way through the dry grass. The two young creatures couldn't help jump with fright every time it rustled, fearful that the lionesses had returned to kill them.

"So Oel, you happy now?" Kima asked as soon as they were a good distance away.

"No." Oel said in a small voice.

"Really? You're not pleased you managed to alert a whole Pride of our existence?"

"Hey, it's not my fault that they found us, just bad luck!" Oel growled. "I wasn't looking for trouble, you know that."

"I know." Kima sighed. "I'm just scared, I think we all are."

"Me too, though I'm not entirely sure what it is that terrifies me." The lion cub admitted.

Kima looked at her, surprised. "You don't even know your own fears?"

"Of course I know my fears!" Oel defended herself. "I just don't know know what it's all about..."

What does she mean 'what it's all about? Kima asked herself, but kept her mouth shut. Knowing Oel, she would probably tell her anyway.

"I mean, why are we here?" Oel continued. "And why do we even fear? We should be proud to be on this earth, thriving on the savanna, not cowering every time something goes wrong! If I had my way, all four lion Kingdoms and the Prides living in them would work together. Oh, and the same thing with hyena Clans, bird Flocks, even wild dog Packs! Everything would be synchronised."

Kima stopped and stared at Oel. The young lioness sounded much older then what she truly was, a bit more like Lullen.

Oel stared back, wondering why Kima's dark eyes looked so troubled.

Did I say something wrong? She asked herself.

"I don't think I can answer your questions, Oel." Kima said slowly, walking once again. "But you do have a point."

"You really think-"

"Kima! Oel!" Lullen roared, charging towards them, her long legs a blur as she ran. "What in the name of the Star Lions were you doing, sneaking off?! Jaquin," She yelled over her shoulder. "They're safe!"

"Oh, thank the Spirit Hyenas!" The spotted hyena called back, appearing from behind a bolder and rushing over, closely followed by a guilty looking Jak. "I was so worried."

Once she reached them, Jaquin covered them hurried licks, gentle scoldings and vows never to let them out of her sight again.

Oel felt really bad for Jaquin, she hadn't meant to cause trouble! She had meant to help!

"I'm sorry." She mumbled.

"It's ok, darling." Jaquin replied.

"No, it's not ok!" Lullen snarled. "What is wrong with you, dragging Jak away to hunt and then dragging Kima away to- wait, what were you two doing?"

"Uh... We were just..."

"We were ran into some lionesses." Kima blurted out.

"You what?" Lullen hissed.

Jaquin drew away, sudden disappointment swimming in her brown eyes.

"Jak told us you where in trouble," Jaquin murmured. "But that was all. What happened?"

In a few brief sentences, Kima explained the whole ordeal, carefully leaving out the part where Oel abandoned Jak and stupidly ran away. She was angry with Oel, but she didn't want her fist sister to get into too much trouble.

"But we're safe now." The female whelp concluded optimistically.

"Safe?" Lullen threw back her head and roared. "That Pride now knows you exist!"

"But we told them we were orphans!" Oel said.

"Yes," Jaquin sighed for about the thousandth time. "But now they know of you two, they'll be on the lookout. They may even change their minds and hunt you down, along with us. There... There would be no survivors."

Oel shuddered. What have I done? She asked herself.

"We need to leave." Lullen declared.

"What?" Jak squealed. "No, this is home!"

"Not anymore," The lioness argued grimly. "There is no way Karacore would permit us to live so close to his territory. We must leave!"

"Right now?" Kima asked.

"No, we are not leaving!" Jaquin argued. "If you must leave Lullen, do so. My whelps and I will be no part of this."

Though he voice was strong, Jaquin's head was full of doubt. She had met the Pride Of Hura's King once. He was not the sort of lion anyone would want to get into a fight with. He could easily kill her and her whelps.

Suddenly the faints breeze changed directions, bringing along the scent of lion.

"We may not have a choice." Lullen growled.

The scent came closer, along with the sounds of quick light paw-steps.

And then a mighty roar spilt the silence.


Don't ya just love cliff-hangers? I do! At least I enjoy writing them... I bet you can all guess who roared!

Fact: A lions roar can be heard from over 10km away!

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