Sam follows Dean's eyes and he sees you too. He takes a step in your direction but Dean stops him and pulls him the other way. "What the hell..." Sam argues.

"She's happy, Sammy. I can't take that away from her, not after what I put her through. We should leave her alone."

You can feel eyes on you, but ignore it. You're having a blast with your friends. Besides, if it's evil you have a gun with demon bullets, a silver knife and an angel blade hidden on you.

Dean notices a flash of ink on your arm as you take another shot that wasn't there before. He too has a new tattoo since you left, also on his forearm. He has the lyrics to one of your favorite songs that you said was your song. The one you first slow danced to, when he first realized he was in love with you. 'For I can't help, falling in love with you'. He wonders what yours says and ponders the odds you'd bother get a tattoo in the same spot.

Sam clears his throat, "You really won't even let her know we're in town? Dean, there's serious shit we just set free. She should know to be extra careful."

Dean sighs. Sam has a point, but he still can't bring himself to get your attention.

You are now dancing with your friends, feeling care free. You haven't laughed this much in a while. It feels so good.

After about an hour you are walking out of the bathroom and freeze.

Walking your way, oblivious to you, is Sam. In a panic your first reaction is to hide behind a group of people. Then you feel bad. Sam used to be your very best friend in the world. He didn't do anything wrong.

So you decide to bump into him, literally. You step into his path as he's looking down.

His hand catches your shoulder as you collide, "Oh, I'm so sorry..." He starts then his voice trails off when he sees it's you.

"Hey there, Sam. How's it going?" You smile up at him.

He pauses then pulls you into a hug. "Livy, holy shit. It's so good to see you!" You melt into the bone-crushing hug, realizing just how much you have missed him.

Alivia's P.O.V.
I watched as Sam got awkward. "Well, it's great to see you too, Sam. But I'm guessing if you're in town that something bad is here."

He sighs and nods, "Yeah uh, we possibly have a major situation here. We let out God's sister, the darkness."

I definitely wasn't expecting that. But hey, it's never dull with these boys. "Ah, of course it's something like that." I tease him.

He laughs, those deep dimples popping out. "Yeah, you know us."

"So, 'we' 'us'... can I assume that includes your brother? Is he here too?"

His eyes went sad but he nodded, "Yeah, he's over there." He gestured behind him with his head. I bit my lip, not ready to look.

"Well, let me know if you guys need me. I'll be around. And uh, say goodbye before you leave, okay?"

He smiled and hugged me again. "Of course. I've missed you, Livy."

I blinked back tears, then saw the words on my arm. "I missed you too, Sam. I uh, think I'm going to go see him for a minute."

He pulled back, looking a little worried. "Are you sure?" I nodded.

I took a breath and looked past Sam to see his older brother staring at a bottle of beer. That face rocked my soul. He is just so damn perfect. I see that look of self-loathing on his face as I start walking over to him.

When I was about ten feet from him, as if sensing me, he looked up and we locked eyes. My heart pounded in my ears as I saw the sadness in those gorgeous green eyes as they stared back at me. His face perked up a little as he processed who I was. I chewed on my lower lip as I finally got to the table.

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