Untitled Part 1

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We stayed embraced for a long time. I still haven't called Bonnie but I guess that would have to wait. I knew Bella would be waking up soon and that was when Katherine would come back for me. I didn't want to let embry go but I had work to do. I have so many issues going on it isn't funny. Katherine the imprint Bella's baby. That beautiful baby girl was growing rapidly I've never seen anythlike that. And Jacob he's so in love with her it's cute. It's like brotherly love or even a father love. And I know he'll always protect her.
I slowly pulled away from embry. Seeing the pack divided was horrible. Yea Jacob is the real packs alpha but Sam was the first to turn the proceed to help the rest. They see Sam as the alpha. Will they be able to join together to help me win this fight? Maybe it's best if I do it alone. "Kat! Don't even think of taking on that blood sucker alone!" Embry stated. "Your not alone anymore you have a pack behind you! Hell you even have the Cullens behind you after everything you did for Bella. Seems like they kinda adopted you into they're family anyways. All that time you spend there now." Embry said a little sad. He was right I was always there for the baby. I love babies I would love to have a family one day. But I also knew that wasn't possible. Not while I was a walking target. There has to be a way to put Elena back in her body. I don't know a thing about that type of magic they use tho that's the biggest problem. I may have the most powerful book of shadows but I haven't seen anything about travelers magic. Seems like it's strange even for the first generation of witches.
Lost is what I am. I can't even help my friends. Eveything is just falling apart. The dark place is getting more and more darker. I can barely see any light. The light. That was embry and Seth. Light. I looked up at embry and for the first time smiled a real smile.
He pulls me close and we stayed embraced. As I slowly pull away from him he pulls me in for a kiss. N I kiss him back. As our kiss ended I hear someone approaching. I turned and see Stephen. I smile and run to him. He picks me up and spins me all around. "It's so good to see you KitKat!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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The Power of Love: Embry and Seth Love Triangle part 2Where stories live. Discover now