You Will ❤️

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Nicole was furious she couldn't believe that after all they have been through all that he said to her was a lie ! He found her and took advantage of the fact that she was in a coma and that she couldn't remember everything and he lied to her from the moment he said he didn't know who she was Nicole was too caught up to even know that Brie was sitting next to her !

Brie: Hey !
Nikki: Oh hi you scared me !
Brie: Are you okay ?
Nikki: I don't know !
Brie: What do you mean ?
Nikki: You're my sister so did we have a close relationship before ?
Brie: Of course we're twins we had the best relationship !
Nikki: So I can trust you and I can know that what I tell you stays between us ?
Brie: What's wrong ?
Nikki: Promise you won't tell John ?
Brie: Yes what is it ?
Nikki: I feel really hurt because I like Seth ! Well liked !
Brie: You can't like Seth ! You're still married to John !
Nikki: I know but I was kinda starting to have feeling for Seth because he's always been there for me even when I didn't even know it but now it turned out to be all a huge lie ! And I can't believe I would fall for that !
Brie: I thinks those feeling for him were only out of gratitude !
Nikki: What do you mean ?
Brie: I think you were starting to fall in love with him because to you he was your hero ! He saved you and that's all a girl dreams of ! Being rescued but now that we know the truth you'll start to realize that it wasn't him you were starting to like it was the idea of having someone there since you didn't know who else would be !
Nikki: You're probably right !
Brie: Come on I'm sure the guys got everything out of Seth's house now I can take you home ?
Nikki: Is home as nice as your house ! Haha it's really nice and I heard when you told John you wanted me there for your ultrasound and I would love to go!

Brie smiled and hugged her !

Brie: Oh I've missed you so much coco you have no idea ! And well your house is a little bigger than me and Randy's but we have another house like this on Arizona ! You have another one in San Diego but it's a condo so that's why your house here is bigger !

Nikki: How was my life before ?
Brie: What do you mean ?
Nikki: Was I happy ?
Brie: Extremely happy ! I've never seen you as happy as you were when you were with him !
Nikki: Really ?
Brie: Yes you were always smiling when you were with him !
Nikki: I mean how can I not right ? He's handsome and is always saying these sweet things !
Brie: And he's spoiled you !
Nikki: Spoil me ?
Brie: Oh yes ! You need to see your closet ! It's like the size of Seth's living room ! I think bigger !
Nikki: Wow !
Brie: I know !
Nikki: I just hope he understand that I can sleep with him yet !
Brie: Well hey you can sleep with him just don't have sex cuddle just sleep in his arms start falling in love again because I know you will....

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