Never Alone ❤️

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Summer Rae was walking through the store looking for something fast and good to eat when she saw her she couldn't believe what she was seeing was she doing crazy ? Was she feeling guilty or was it Nicole ? Was it really her ? She didn't know what to think so she got anything to cover her face and her hair she followed her and quickly noticed she was pregnant ! She then thought their cant be a third twin I have to get close !

She "accidentally" bumped into her !

Summer: Oh I'm sorry !
Nikki: It's okay don't worry about it !
Summer: I'm Autumn and you are ? You know you look really familiar !
Nikki: Really ? Maybe you know me !
Summer: What do you mean ?
Nikki: Well see from what I know I was in some kind of accident this doctor found me in a small town and they told the doctor that they found me in the river so he took me the hospital where I was in a coma for a couple months then I was able to hear everyone and they told me I was pregnant ! Now I'm 5 months in and I don't even know my own name I go by Stephanie because that name stood out for me !
Summer: Oh sweetie I don't know now that I look at you better you don't look like who I thought !
Nikki: Oh it's okay well I must go my friend Seth is waiting for me !
Summer: Okay nice meeting you hope things work out for you !
Nikki: Thank you !

She continues to shop then leaves the store !

Summer Pov
She's alive, she's not dead, and she's pregnant ! John can't know that he has to stay with me I have to get him to marry me as soon as possible !

In Florida

Johns Pov
I was thinking that if I'm going to start to rebuild my life I should put away Nikki's things ! So I decided to call Brie !

Brie: Hey what's up
John: Do you want any of Nicole's clothes ? Shoes ?
Brie: You want to get rid of them ?
John: No I'm putting them away you know to start the healing process but always knew you loved her shoes and some of her clothes so if you want them come get them then I'm going to put them away in my storage closet !
Brie: Okay I'm here with Randy I'll be over a little later !
John: Okay see you then !

They hung up and an hour later Brie shows up and after showing her Nicole's closet she breaks down and he hugs her !

John: I know that's why I need to get this out of sight !
Brie: I just miss her why do people say it gets easier with time when it doesn't it's not at all easy !
John: I know it hurts so much but you said it yourself she would want us to be happy !
Brie: Yeah you're right !

In Iowa

As Nicole was leaving the store Summer followed her and she saw when she arrived to a small house where this man came out to help her with some bags then she had to leave !

Summers Pov
She has to stay here forever ! John can't ever see her, he has to be mine at least until we get married then I can divorce him and take all his money ! Or at least half of it but I know that if she comes back and pregnant he will go to her in a second but she doesn't remember who she is so let alone him ! All I have to do is make sure he thinks he's in love with me then marry him quick ! And just make sure he never runs into Nicole basically never leave him alone in Iowa.......................
Christmas Contest Winner ! I'll be contacting you soon Hon ! By the way check out her book it's a Nena story as well ! ❤️ Its really good ! ❤️
You're winner ❤️
My Birthday is March 29 and it was in the first ever Nena Story I wrote ❤️

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