Chapter 8: Come Around

Start from the beginning

I got home and walked inside, I was pretty tired. I went upstairs and stopped when I got to my doorway. I had been sleeping in my bedroom lately. Partially because I wanted to give Nick some space to process this all. Mostly because I can't sleep comfortably without my stomach hurting all night and surely sleeping with Nick wouldn't make it any better. I stared into my dull bedroom, it felt so lonely, not even happy. Maybe that's why I can't ever get comfortable, because I'm not as happy as I was when I was in Nick's room. With that thought, I went to Nick's bedroom and my face lit up. I missed this room and all of the memories in it. I missed sleeping in bed with him, even coming to bed in the middle of the night to sleep with him because it made me feel safe. I walked over to his bed, and pulled down the covers, climbing in and getting cozy. I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv before laying down completely, letting his amazing scent fill my nose and make me smile. For the first time, within minutes, I was sound asleep.

Hours later, the front door shut, keys dropped on a table, and footsteps came up the stairs, stopping when the door of Nick's bedroom creaked open. I woke up when I felt a hand squeezing mine slightly. My eyes opened to see Nick, kneeling down beside the bed, staring at me so lovingly.

"I'm sorry Mace, I didn't mean to wake you." He whispered.

"No, no, its okay," I stretched out on the bed before sitting up,

"What time is it? I didn't mean to sleep this much."

"It's 9:00 at night, I just got home from work. I was going to see if you were awake and maybe hungry for some dinner?" Nick asked.

"Mmm. Starving. I think that stuff really worked." I chuckled.

Nick put his head down beside me on the bed,

"I was so worried, Macy. You don't know how relieved I am that you're actually hungry again." Nick said with a smile.

There was a long pause, silence.

"Come here." he said as he pulled me to where my legs were dangling from the tall bed and he was kneeling in front of me.

His grip around my waist got tighter as he inched closer and closer to me, looking from me to my belly and back, but not knowing what to do. It was dark in the room, only the light from the street lamps outside were shining through the window of the bedroom.

My heart sank. He's never even touched my stomach or really talked about it...

He leaned forward, and slowly lifted my shirt from my belly. Tears welled up in my eyes. He leaned in and planted the sweetest, most gentle kiss right below my naval, then kept his forehead pressed to my stomach. Nick moved his hands down to my belly and lightly traced his fingertips around it.

"I love you." He whispered pressing his lips against my bare stomach again before pressing his face into my chest and hugging me tightly.

"Nick." I was barely able to speak between soft sobs of joy.

"Macy, I'm so in love with you. I don't care, I want us. This. All of it, no matter what." He said as I wiped tears from his eyes.

"I love you, Nick." I cried, my emotions running absolutely wild, now.

"I don't care what I have to do Macy, take off work, leave a crime scene, whatever, I'm going to be there for the first ultrasound. I want this, and I can't wait to see this little guy growing inside you." he choked out.

Something about him crying just made me cry even more. Pregnant hormones.

"Guy?" I chuckled.

"Yeah, I think it's a boy." he said with a smile looking at my belly again.

"We've got a long time till we find out." I said and smiled.

"Come on angel, lets go get some dinner." he said standing up and picking me up gently with him.

A/N: Hey guys I am SOOOOOO SORRY i havent updated! So nobody asks, the pregnancy tests came back negative, so I am not pregnant! I'm happy and bummed about it. But its going to happen at the right time! Thank you for being the most amazing and supportive and loyal fans to me! You guys literally mean the world, without you I wouldn't have this story. It is the first serious story (not one shots) that i have really written and gotten to follow this character and watch her grow with Nick and the gang. I am also so thankful I've gotten to know all of you and gotten such kind words through the past year. I love you all so much! PLEASE comment and vote my story! I don't even care about the votes, comment and let me know what you think because without your feedback, I don't know what to write to entertain you guys! Thank you again SO MUCH!!

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