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I"m pretty sure I've told you this but, I don't like being called crazy, insane etc,. You remember?
Good, or you'll start to see maggots~ hehe
It's a cloudy day here in Lancaster Institution probably because the nature-type kids are out practicing weather control. So in the hall as I was going to Alchelmy-22, this Junior calls me out for my name. Can you guess what happened next? I'm not ashamed of my name, I thinks it's really cool, cute, awesome, creative, and very original. I love it, it just shows how much I love magic, lowering my head so my bangs can hide my face I grumbled, "Rott" next thing I know he starts to scream like a little- well you can get the picture.
I humph in irritation, looking out the window I see Maggie and Crystal, seems Professor Mari-Wether was trying to get them to create a thunder cloud in the middle of the field.

"Oh~ seems like a tough exercise" I nod my head, creating a thundercloud is pretty difficult for a beginner. You need power from the earth, but only those essential; like ingredients.
You bake a cake with flour, milk, eggs, it's the same when creating something out of thin air. Well air is a key ingredient in making a cloud, so they got that cleared. Yes yes hm interesting, strange I can't stop stroking the beard on my face and nodding my head while wearing oversized glasses.
"Eureka" pulling a pipe out of sleeve, it completed my look, well I'm too young for smoking so I blew bubbles instead.
I heard giggling in the background, pretty contempt with myself I walked 'normally' into my class.
The gong rang and my look disappeared, no magic or well 'powerful' magic allowed in Alchemy(all Alchemy typed classes are not allowed to do it) mostly because it's more science based curriculum.

But you know whatever, hehe my favorite T.A is in this class hehe<3.
"Dude that crazy girl is here again" (thing 2)
"How is she in this class?" (Rude!)
"I thought she got banned from coming here" (let it slide)
"Well apparently not, but be careful if she hears you call her you-know the C-word" (let it slide..breath)
"She'll make you rot like a corpse! I saw a junior call her out and next thing I know he's screaming bloody murder."(let it slide, keep inner peace)

"Alright class be seated and as you all know, no magic allowed, we will begin shortly." Huh? Hold on a sec, while the Professor prepared his planner, there was no sign of the T.A. Where is he? Is he not here today? Did something happen to him? Oh no! I closed my eyes and concentrated, I saw a blurry image but it disappeared when I almost got electrocuted. "Ms. Boo I don't remember having you enrolled in my class but having you banned from this classroom. Sneaking back in and attempting to use clairvoyance magic, you are stupidly brave to do this in my study hall." Sheepishly I smiled at him, Professor Augustus let out a sigh, "You have 5 seconds to get out of my class without getting electrocuted. 1...2..3" taking this opportunity I dashed out, while hearing the slight snickers and stupids murmurs of those worthless students!

Before leaving Professor Augustus had an alchemy circle written on a piece of paper.
Feeling a slight shock from my pocket I pulled out that same piece of paper.
He isn't here today, he's on the battlegrounds guiding a pack of werewolf warriors. Don't worry I already gave out punishment to those who said the forbidden words. Well I didn't do it for you, I just can't stand that kind of behavior in my- any way remember you're banned from class! So stop sneaking in and causing disruptions.
~Professor Augustus

"Hehe!" The note was held dearly to my chest. So he's at the battlegrounds? I can't wait to see him! Hehe! The blood rushed to my cheeks as I thought of him, my smile evident.
Even if it's a cloudy day my mood could bring out the sun.
"Bebe-boo what are you doing roaming the halls? You should be in Familiars 109!" Wincing at Janine's vampiric speech, sheepishly I turned around. "Janine let me-" her aura wasn't in the mood for excuses, "Ok bye!"
My legs burned the floor as I pushed one leg after the other, wait a minute...I'm not even moving. I looked behind to see a demon medusa, I screamed and tried to run faster but she had me by the collar. Tears poured out my eyes as she dragged me to my class and the correct one this time.
Eh! This isn't fair!

"Now class to summon a familiar you must follow these regulations. The contract becomes null if you don't.."
Blah blah blah, that's all that's registering in my mind, I already know this so why do I have to learn? Ugh I can tell my face showed my annoyance because Janine called me out for it.
A little note appeared on my desk, curious I opened it:
Stop making that ugly face! You'll turn us all to stone and be alone forever...and ever. So annoying at least try to act like you care!

I gave her a very obvious 'huh' look, she just pouted and looked the other way. Sprawled out onto my desk a sigh rolled out my mouth and strolled to the teacher's ear. "Ms. Boo, please show some respect others are trying to learn." The chalk she was levitating smashed to dust. "Sorry Professor Clara-Jean" I droned out, her stance became stricter, "Ms. Boo one more outburst and you'll be sent to the Headmaster understood?" The menace in her tone sent chills down my spine, as nicely as I could, "Yes Professor Clara-Jean."

She turned back around an continued with the lesson.
Deflated I sprawled out on my desk again.
Idea alert! The magic was spinning in my head.
"Eureka!" Abruptly standing from my seat I saw no way I would get out unscathed first. "Ms. Boo what did I just tell you a minute ago eh?" The board cracked and her menacing aura made me die for like 2 seconds.

"To not make another outburst but I couldn't contain myself so I'll just go to the Headmaster now, yup real quick!" Halfway out the door, Professor Clara-Jean used a shadow spell and had me glued to the floor, "oh dear" I mumbled. A scared smile on my face, eyes strangely wide I prepared for the worst.
Silence from my classmates, but the rumbling wrath of my teacher noticeable. "Ms. Boo it seem we haven't learned nothing from the last lesson. You are stupidly brave as Professor Augustus said."

"Oh dear~" I giggled, "now aren't you and Professor Augustus close" cutely I sneered at her. Taken aback her spell weakened allowing me to escape with only mental trauma.
"Oh she's is so going to curse me and my future generation" I laughed as I floated through the halls.
To the battle grounds!
Hoped you liked it! Hehe, things will be more magical soon. So please vote and comment <3

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