I flinched, waiting for the sound, but there was none.

My eyed flew from Trent to Dad.

My breath caught as I caught sight of the red hole over his heart, "Dad!"

He fell back onto the couch, blood pouring down his chest. I ran to him, only to be stopped by a hand on my arm.

"Leave him."

I looked at Trent on horror, "You just shot my dad."

"I told you that you would regret saying no."

Everything seemed to be in slow motion as he pulled me into the dining room. Mom glanced up in surprise and I bit back a scream as his gun came up.

No sound.

I let out a sob as she collapsed, blood covering her shirt, "No."

Trent cocked the gun and pulled the trigger again.

I turned just in time to see Jade fall back, "NO!"

Maggie was crying now, tears pouring down her ivory cheeks.

"Please. No." I begged Trent, fighting to get my arm free from him, "Not Maggie. I'll do anything."

Trent laughed at me, "I told you..."

Maggie fell back. I fought to go to her, "Please... No."

"You will regret saying no." Trent whispered in my ear.

My eyes didn't leave Maggie's small body, the red on her chest becoming more and more pronounced.

Stay alive, Mags.

Trent grinned at me, "Your turn."

I was jerked awake.


I could make out Steve's face in the night shadows.

"Jack, wake up."

I held back a sob as the dream filtered back to me, "I'm awake."

Steve sighed and sat down on the bed, "You were screaming."

I shrugged, wiping away the tears on my cheeks, "Nothing to worry about."

Steve stared at me, "Jack."

His face tortured me. It was like Trent was leering back at me. I closed my eyes, "You can't help Steve."

"I want to." Came his soft reply.

"This has been going on for years. People have tried to help." I opened my eyes again, "The nightmares don't go away."

Steve reached a hand up to my face, but before he could touch me, it dropped, "They do eventually, Jack. They fade."

I shook my head in the darkness, "These aren't nightmares."

He was silent as my meaning dawned on him.

"Want to talk about them?"

"No." I replied tersely.

"Jack. You were screaming like someone was dying." Steve found my hand, "You have to talk to someone."

His words struck a chord, "Someone was dying."


I could see her smiling face, "My sister."


I nodded, "Her name was Maggie."

"Beautiful name."

I laughed, "She was so sweet. Always smiling and laughing. I wish you could have met her."

"What happened to her?"

Why was I telling him this? "She was shot."

"Did they catch him?"

I glanced at him, "What?"

Steve smiled at me, "The man who shot her. Did they catch him?"

"How did you know it was a man?" I asked.

"You always look at me like I am going to hurt you. I just figured..."

"No." My cool hand was still in his warm one, "They didn't catch him."

A pause, then, "Aww, Jack."

I shrugged, "It's been ten years."

Steve squeezed my hand, "Thanks for telling me."

I sighed, "Go back to bed, Steve. It's late."

"Aye, Aye, Captain."

I waited til he closed to door before I released my slight grin.

Run and Hide - (s. rogers)Where stories live. Discover now