Chapter 1

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As I walked into my father's office with dark circles under my eyes, my chestnut brown hair tied into a loose ponytail, my usually tan skin slightly pale. My green eyes, blood shot red from the loss of sleep. I looked at my father, as I walked in seeing him fill out his paperwork, not even bothering to look at me. I put my head down slightly, he never acknowledged me as a real father should. My mum died a couple years ago in a plane crash, since then my father has been distant from me and provides what I need, nothing more.

"Good afternoon, father." I looked up at him, as he looked at me, only as I spoke.

"Need something, Skylar?" He asked, looking back down at his paperwork.

I sighed deeply, "No, I had wanted to do something with you, when you had time off today," I said quietly, knowing his answer.

He shook his head and looked up at me, anger showed in his eyes. I asked this question almost everyday, hoping to get a different answer from him. I never experienced father-daughter time with my father. He always stayed distant, shut me out, and never spoke much to me.

He stood, as his hands gripped his desk tightly as his knuckles turned white. He looked down at me, wearing his black dress pants, a white shirt and black tie, he gritted his teeth as he said the same thing he does every morning.

"I don't have time for you, never did and never will. I'm busy, now get out." He said angrily, and sat back down in his chair, looking back at his paperwork and documents.

I walked out and shut the door silently behind me, keeping my head down and walking down the big hallways to one of the many lounge areas and sat on the couch. I yawned quietly and rested my head against the back of the couch, closing my eyes.

I jumped slightly and opened my eyes, hearing the thick wooden door of our house swing shut with a loud bang. I watched as my father walked past me, to greet what I expected to be his brother, but instead a tall muscular man walked inside, his black hair slicked back slightly wet as if it was raining, his dark blue eyes locked onto mine, before he looked towards my father, and they said a few words glancing at me out of the corner of his eye.

I looked away knowing better, than to look at anyone that is brought into the house in the eyes except my father. I put my head down as my father walked past me towards his office, glaring slightly before opening his office door as the mystery man walked in and he followed after.

I watched them through the blinds making a out a few words that they were saying, before my father closed the blinds and I looked away from the office and straight forward at the white wall on the opposite side of the room.

Questions swirled around in my head, giving me a headache. Who is he? What does he want from my father, or what does my father want from him? What are they doing? Repeated in my head over and over again, only making it more confusing than it already was.

I let out a breath and stood, walking down the halls to the stairs going to the last floor, which is the third. I walked the halls silently, before walking into my fairly lit room and shutting the thick wooden door as it made a clicking sound as I locked it.

My queen size bed was in the middle of the wall to the left, with two side tables with a lamp on each table. A desk to the right of the room in the corner, with a wooden comfy chair. A window chair with cushions and pillows on the back wall, with a bookcase beside it filled with books. Papers sprawled on my desk by my school laptop, beside my phone and a couple pencils.

I wouldn't bother with homework right now, I grabbed my phone and started looking for jobs. I never got hired but a few times, I was fired shortly after that due to my insomnia. I laid on my back, swallowed by my bed and covered with a furry blanket. I applied for a few jobs and set my phone aside on the charger, turning to lay on my side and hopefully sleep.

I shut my eyes and cleared my head of my thoughts, relaxing my tense muscles. I started to drift off slowly, only sleeping for a few minutes before waking up again. I repeated this a couple times, only losing hope of sleeping, I sat up and checked my phone for any missed phone calls, or messages.

I saw none, as usual. I turned my phone off and got out of bed sighing, and walked to the bathroom. Shutting the door, I walked to my closet door and walked in. A full bathroom and a walk-in closet, was attached to my room. I grabbed light blue jeans, and a regular black T-shirt. I changed quickly and dropped my clothes in the laundry basket, walking into the bathroom.

I took my hair out of it's ponytail, as it curled half-way down my back. I grabbed my brush as my hair was tangled, and brushed it, as I looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes looked tired as the dark circles grew darker and slightly bigger. My eyes still bloodshot red, and my face slightly more pale than before. I couldn't even recognize myself anymore. I was tired, mentally and physically.

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