Milly came to the side of my bed and looked at me...

' When do you reckon she'll let my brother be bonded to her? '

" When shes ready, right now i dont think she is in the right mind frame to be bonded to him "

' Well...  im going to tell you this but he feels that it has to happen now, he feels something bad is going to happen to her, and - well i think hes going to force it on her -'

I shake my head at Milly, i know Rusty means well but doing this to her will put more pressure on her. I dont want more on her shoulders then what is there now.

" Tell him to hold off until after the funeral "

' But he needs t - '

" Milly just tell him to wait! "

With a nod of her head she went and layed back down, i could see she was speaking to Rusty.

I pulled myself outta bed and headed for the bathroom, and quick shower and head to the kitchen for breakfast.

Once in the kitchen Fran was fluffing around the kitchen and talking on the phone. I grab myself a cup of coffee and popped some toast into the toaster.

I needed a quick breakfast and toast was by far the quickest.

As i was finally sitting and eating my toast, My mind was taken me to all the things that i need to do for myself. I pulled out my phone and to my suprise i had a couple text messages and a voicemail.

I pulled up one of the text messages from my old uni mate Davis, who so happens to be Mavis's Nephew.

: Sorry to hear about your loss mate, wish i could be there to support you. But this daymed school has my hands tied with the sports exchange in the next couple days. Let me know if you need anything mate.

I was going to reply but i didnt know what to say, so i clicked into the next text message. It was from an unknowen number, i had to frown at it.

: C u soon lover.

The only person who would say something like that would be Lucy. I wasnt going to panic about this, or tell anyone about my secrets.

Just as i was about to listen to my voice message, Jason stormed into the kitchen. I made eye contact with him, i could see he was angery or just frustrated.

I smiled at him, i knew him and Mila had an arguement. Which made me feel a little happy on the in side.

I was about to rub it in but Fran bet me to it.

" Either you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning or your having girl proplems, which is it grumpu bum.? Hmmm "

" Nan not now!!!"

Even i was a little taken back at the tone he used towards his grandmother.

" Dont you speak to me like that young man, now spill it. "

I smile stupidly at the table and grabbed the morning paper so that it looked like i was reading it. But really i was listening to what he had to say.

" Sorry nan.... i - i um didnt mean to use that tone with you. Its just shes frustrating the hell outta me. She kicked /through me outta her ro - "

I chuckled and butted in to what he was about to say.

" Though the both of us "

I looked over the paper as the both of them looked at me.

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