First Chapter-Wheelers

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HEYYY GUYS!!! Thanks for reading!! I LOVE YOU ALL!! Also BTW this might not be that good just writing down what I think!!!

El Wheeler wakes up at 6:00 in the morning like she always does. She rolls over to see that the love of her life, Mike Wheeler, was not next to her like he is every morning. "He's probably in the kitchen"  El thought to herself right before she gets up. When she walks out of their room and down the stairs of their 2 story house that they bought when they had their first kid, Clover, and have lived here ever since, she heard noises coming from that kitchen and knew that Mike was there. There house was very pretty and people who walk by don't think that it's a young couple that lives there they think that there's like a 50 year old married couple that lives there that aren't in a happy relationship and that they fight all the time because of all the yelling that comes from the house when its really just the kids. Well anyway El makes her way to the kitchen to see the most handsome face, the one she has dreams about, her husbands, Mike Wheeler. Oh and did she love him with all her heart and just the same as she loved her kids and he felt the exact same way about her and the kids. Well she walks behind him and raps her arms around his stomach which over time has gotten so muscle and maybe even some abs. So he's not the lanky teen he was back in middle school. Now he was a grown man and even when they were younger and went to parties (before the kids) girls would flirt with Mike and even some of them wanted to fight El for Mike but they never fought anyone! Ohh but Mike wanted to one time when a guy tried to hurt and do something bad to El (if you know what I mean) and he want to beat the crap out of him. Yes the guy did get in trouble but that wasn't enough for Mike or Hopper!! They both wanted to kill that guy but El stopped them by saying 'that she was fine and nothing bad happened'. Well anyway she still has her arms rapped around his waist. He turns around and says "Hows my beautiful wife this morning?" He said in a happy voice. "Hi! I'm good!" El said back just as happy. "So do you want me to get the kids up?" Mike asked El right before giving her a peck on the lips. El kissed back right away! It was kinda like a reflex! She just does it automatically, kinda on cue! "No I'll go get them! You already made breakfast!" El said to Mike right before walking up the stairs to there youngest daughters room, Megan, who is only a year old! Megan sees her mom walking in and gets up in her crib as to say 'get me out of here'. El picks her up. "Morning my baby girl" El talks to her in a baby like voice. Megan coos back at her mom. "You ready to wake up your big brother and sister?" El asked to Megan. Megan coos back as if to say 'yes I do! I want to annoy them!' El giggles and takes Megan to Mike and Els only sons room, Nickolas. When they get into Nicks room, Megan runs to his bed and shakes him awake. "What oh hey mommy hey Megan! Good Morning!!" He says in a happy voice. Just as happy as Mikes! "Morning Nick time to get up" El replies to Nick. "Ok mommy" Nick says to his mom. Nick gets up and runs to his big sister, Clovers, room. When he gets in he runs and jumps on the bed. "Whats going on?" Clover mumbles. "Get up sissy!" Nick yells at his sister. "Huh oh ok" Clover says quietly. "Come on Clover yo have to get up!" Says El to her oldest daughter. "Oh ok mommy good morning!" Says Clover sitting up right away. "Haha good morning sweetie! You have to get up." Says El giggling at her oldest daughter. When El has all the kids up she walks downstairs with Nick and Clover running ahead of her and her having Megan in her hands. "DADDY!" Nick and Clover yelled as they saw their dad in view. "Hey kids!" Says Mike as his kids run up to him and jump into his arms and hug him. "You guys want breakfast?" Mike says to his kids. "YA" They both scream to him as they run to the kitchen table. "Ok here you guys go" Mike replies to his kids and gives them plates of food. "Eat up" Mike says to his kids. Then El sits down with Megan and they eat breakfast as a family!

WORDS: 825

OMG Thank you guys soooooo much!!! SORRY it took sooo long!!! I didn't really know what to write at first!! LOVE YOU GUYS! I'm gonna update this soon most likely!!!!

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