•He's less picky about his followers and offerings now, and tries to be fair when deciding punishments

•But there's just some mortals who really work his nerves......

•Yeah He's well feared among mortals.

•His preferred offerings are eggs, and chickens.


Leona Kingscholar, god of misfortune

•Leona claims to be the most misfortunate out of all the gods. Even though he literally proved himself to be worthy of being a literal god and is one of the most op gods too but let's not talk about that-

•Leona is very lazy. When it comes to literally anything but his job- (what a shocker)

•He's bitter. He wants to make others feel the same pain he went through as a mortal, and you and I both know gods can hold a grudge.

•However there are rules he needs to follow. So usually, he lets some people go

•But all bets are off once someone insults him.

•Anyways, his preferred offerings are meat, skulls of wild animals (you know, cause of that one picture of him holding that skull?), and valuables straight from kings.

Ruggie Bucchi, messenger of the gods and god of food.

•Ruggie is actually easy to please. Hell he's lucky that people even bother worshipping him to begin with-

•But anyways, Ruggie is one of the messengers for the gods, but he usually follows Leona's orders. Probably because he's the one who orders him around the most-

•Ruggie is still the god of food however. Whenever he isn't delivering messages or fulfilling random orders, he tries to provide with less fortunate families with meals to eat. It isn't much but he helps.

•Ruggie's preferred offerings are doughnuts, money, and days off (jk on that last part)

Jack Howl, god of justice and bravery

•Jack is one of the more honorary gods. He takes pride in his title and does his best to live up to it (even if he sometimes doesn't do a good job)

•Jack does mingle with humans sometimes, and once he's set on one, he'll stick with them until their end. (It usually takes him like, at least 10 years to get over them once they die-)

•Jack appreciates true bravery, and those who fight for justice. He usually hangs around knights in particular, and it helps him scope out the.....less honest ones as well.

•Jack's preferred sacrifices are Cacti, whatever that pear stuff he likes is, and wolves.


Azul Ashengrotto, god of the sea, talent, and greed

•Out of all the gods, Azul is probably the greediest.

•He sends Floyd to sink ships that have valuables he wants, and those who jump into the sea seeking death are brought to him instead.

•He makes deals with them, promising to get rid of whatever it was that made them turn to death, and if they fail, he turns them into a mermaid and they become his servant. Just another member of his still-growing empire.

•Anyways, when it comes to offerings he isn't that picky. Like I said, he's greedy. He'll take just about anything, especially if it's valuable to the one giving it to him. He claims it's a "true sign of loyalty"

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