Chapter 12 - Wanda Maximoff

Start from the beginning

Within a minute, Megan was outside with Natasha, "Cooper, go in to your mother. Stay in with her." The boy looked at Megan and hesitated, "Auntie Meg-" "GO." The boy nodded and ran in after his sister. Megan looked at Steve and he could see her confidence breaking, "Are you ready for another round?" Megan asked the team. "Let's hope it doesn't come to those awful dreams again." Natasha said as her eyes peered into the forestry.

The two saw as Pietro emerged, holding an unconscious Wanda. With no concern of her own safety, Megan rushed forwards, grabbing Wanda from Pietro's arms and looking over her in concern. "Oh Shit, what happened?" "She tried to erase the visions from you and your team's memories. Clearly it took too much out of her." The team stood nearby, watching and listening, but their hearts did soften when they heard what Wanda had tried to do.

Megan laid Wanda down on the cool grass as she closed her eyes in concentration and put her hands on Wanda's forehead. "What is she doing?" Pietro asked, "She's trying to kill your sister." Pietro looked up at Natasha terrified who let out a small, guilty laugh. "I'm kidding, she's fixing her." The team watched as Megan started to glow along with Wanda as she concentrated on her, just her.

Immediately the memories of the visions hit the team hard, some of them falling to the ground in pain, clutching their chests as they went through that horrible experience again. However, they watched through tearful eyes as Wanda gasped and woke up screaming, Megan wrapped her arms around her as she shushed her, rubbing her back. "The visions... oh god... all of them... they were too much." Wanda stumbled over her words as an onset of tears rushed down her face.

"I know sweetheart." Megan said calmly, the team couldn't see how she could be so understanding and sympathetic towards Wanda. Word of mouth travelled fast within the team and they knew that Megan's vision had something to do with children, something horrifying that scared her from having children. Yet, here she was, consoling the woman that showed her those visions.

"I'm so sorry, I... I can't do anything to make this better, but I'm sorry, please." Wanda begged in between tears as Megan held her, murmuring acceptances of her endless plea of apologies. "Maybe you should lie inside for a while." Megan looked up at Pietro who was watching everything unfold in guilt and fascination, "Did Ultron follow you?" Pietro shook his head, "He has no idea we're here." "Well goddamn, how'd you find this place?" Clint asked in a panic and Wanda coughed, "I... I followed Megan's emotions here, they're very strong."

"Great." Megan muttered, she picked up Wanda bridal-style and looked at Laura who stood at the door for permission to enter and Laura nodded, opening the door to allow Megan inside. Megan laid Wanda down on the couch as she kept crying, "Is she okay?" Laura asked in worry. "She'll be okay." Megan leaned into Laura whispering, "The whole team just went through a vivid replay of their most horrible emotions, so everyone's going to be pretty shaken up." Laura simply nodded, "Yeah, ok. What about you?" Megan shrugged, "I have to be strong for my team."

Laura watched as Megan grabbed a fresh tea towel, wetting it in cool water and laying it across Wanda's forehead. Laura watched as the rest of the team came inside, some of them crashing onto the floor of the living room, others crawling up the stairs to their rooms. Most of them were close to tears, yet Megan remained the strong rock for all of them when inside her emotions were overpowering her, slowly killing her. Wanda felt it, which was why her tears couldn't be contained and controlled because the pain she felt from Megan was simply too much to take.


Natasha fluffed the bed's pillows as Pietro tried to give her as much space as possible, "I don't bite, you know." Pietro smirked and Natasha looked up, "Well... not on the first day anyways." "Ah, so you're like me." Pietro said simply and Nat shrugged, "How do you figure?" "I mean... you're a flirt, like me." Natasha smiled, "I suppose I am." Natasha smiled at having something in common with Pietro and connecting to him in that way. This was important, now that they agreed to help end Ultron.

She had kicked Bruce out of her room after their fight, so while Bruce crashed on the living room couch, Natasha invited Pietro to share her room as an attempt to connect with the kid. However, Nat did feel bad for Steve, Megan had invited Wanda to sleep with them so that she could keep a close eye on her to make sure she stays fine throughout the night as well. Why did she feel bad for Steve? When Megan suggested that, Steve's eyes bulged out of his head as he blushed and nodded.

"Your sister... She tried to do a good thing. You two are good kids, glad you chose the right side." Pietro nodded seriously, "I thought we were on the good side, I guess... I guess we are kids." He scoffed and shook his head, "We don't know how to judge people or robots for this matter." Natasha walked over to him and put a consoling hand on his shoulder, "It's not your fault, we've all had those moments. I probably shouldn't tell you this but..."

She took a deep breath as she guided Pietro over to the bed, the two sitting down on the soft material, "I was a master assassin before Clint saved me and brought me to this family." Pietro nodded, "I assumed as much. No one that hot can be a 'good girl' her whole life." Natasha laughed, "Yeah, well here's another one. Meg was a vilaness before she switched over to our team." Pietro's eyes widened at that, "I knew she was a badass, but a vilaness? Why'd she switch?"

Nat took a deep breath, trying to stop her hands from trembling as she remembered that day, feeling the blood splatter on her face. That day she cried in the bathroom, scrubbing the blood off her skin until her skin was scrubbed raw, bleeding in several places. "Uhm..." Pietro put his hands over Natasha's, "It's okay." He murmured and Natasha nodded, "Her evil partner killed her brother and mom by crashing a train on them. Their bodies... they were splattered everywhere."

Pietro trembled slightly as well as he remembered his sister telling him this, at the time Wanda was unable to form coherent sentences and now he knew why. "Wow, she's been through a lot." He whispered and Natasha nodded, "Uh... yeah, she really has." After comfortable moments of silence, Nat spoke up, "I don't know how she does it." "How she does what?" "How she stays strong for all of us when she's the one thats been through the most pain. She's... she's an amazing person." Pietro nodded, "After what I've seen today, there's no doubt about that."

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