I think about my journey here. How that fish and chip shop looked quite nice. That kid that fell off the slide at the playground—they went flying off it, don't go down a slide when it has rained. I also remember seeing a wedding going on, it was quite far away but it certainly gripped my attention. It made a memory flash into my head.
The marriage that was supposed to unite two kingdoms. Me, and her. I remember that day clearly.


(So, I did a little research and still have no idea what weddings in the specific time period this took place were like apart from a few small things but they happen before the actual wedding. So. Thanks internet.)

I stood at the side, watching the wedding. It was an elegantly decorated scene, truly fit for the marriage of two royals. The wedding set in the spectacular pageantry and magnificence in the cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris. The marriage today would be the unification of two kingdoms. Me and the kingdom standing next to me. We are very close friends; having a strong alliance that we plan to last for centuries yet. It is the Auld Alliance after all. And today that friendship would become even stronger. However, I watch this wedding with jealousy and may I say sorry for the foul feeling.

I should be happy, but when have I ever been able to control what I feel? I watch the wedding and can only fantasise another. The one I have admired for so long, the sickly sweet feeling poisons me each time I see her. And she stands next to me now. Taller than me, to my dislike, but everything else about her is magnificent in my eyes. The smile she bears I wish to see shine every day I wake. Alas I fear I may never be able to confess the truth for I am too scared; and I do not know if what I feel is true. But it might never matter. This is meant to be a unification, after all.

The wedding continued and I watched every step with a question. A question of love.
How do you know you truly feel it?
Should you follow the feeling of love or ignore it?
Is it not only weakness?
Why must it be so conflicting?
And confusing?
Why, even though it is so sickly, must it be the cause for me to be happy?
Why is it her?
Why does she have to be so beautiful?


Why wasn't I allowed to love her?


"Scotland." England said my name and it pulled me back to reality, though I would of rather kept on daydreaming.

"Uh, pardon?" I ask in a tone that definitely implies I wasn't listening in the slightest.

"I asked you a question." England says.

I just stare silently, waiting for him to say something because I certainly don't have any idea what to say.

"You weren't listening at all, were you?" England sighs.

"Nope." I say, "sorry." I add on, just for good measure.

England stares at me with his normal seemingly annoyed look.

"I have to start from the beginning now." He said with a sigh and put his hand to his forehead as if stressed.

"So?" I ask, I don't see the problem.

"This is a public place, Scotland." England said looking straight at me as if it's obvious, "wherever there is a country, there are humans that want to talk; to interview. We can't be in one place for long." He says in an angered tone.

"How do you expect tae always avoid them when we never leave this dammed island." I said, catching on to England's annoyance.

We seem to both pick up each other's anger. It's almost contagious between us. If one is angry, even if only a little, the other will get angry as well—though that does seem to be a normal reaction for everyone in some circumstances—the speed in which things escalate between me and him is incredibly fast.

"There is no point of you leaving, you know UK doesn't want us to anyway." England responds.

"Screw UK! We can still have free will an go places, It's a miracle that we even get tae see Ireland!" I say, raising my voice a bit.

"Don't turn this into an argument. I'm fed up of you always pestering me to a point where I snap."

"You do the same tae me! You have to disagree with everything I say an it just annoys me." I complain in turn.

"Why do you always have to complain!" England begins to shout like me. "You can never agree, complain about this complain about that!" England's anger begins to boil a bit more and I feel I've started an argument I might not of wanted, "Everything I say you disagree on, as well. You can't even pay attention in a simple conversation! You probably don't pay attention when we discuss in important meetings, and yet still have the audacity to complain." England definitely rose quicker to anger and I was beginning to regret starting this, especially with what he next said,

"All you do is complain about your dumb independence when you know you'll never get it!" England pauses dead sentence on that, beginning to regret the words.

All I can do is stare, I don't know what to say to that, but it hurt me. He knows I am sensitive on the subject and so he uses it against me in many arguments and it really... hurts.

I stand up from my seat, picking up my scarf with me.
England stood up from his own.


"You know there is going to be another referendum..." I begin to say, not looking at him. "And maybe I complain because you don't know when to shut your mouth..." I finish coldly.

And with that said, I leave the restaurant. The bell ringing again as I open the door and exit back into the cold weather.


New ship book, yay! This dives deeper into how I now see the British Isles, a bit—and is different from the Breaking Away universe (though I see every book as a different universe unless I say they are the same). So, with the developed HC's it is very, very, different to Breaking Away—so if you would maybe like me to explain how I view some of that now—I'd be happy to.

And hey, hey! It's an underrated ship, how fun!
Oh, and is it LGBT? Yeees... Again, another? Yes.
Why? Because... I can... and because most of the ships I like are LGBT and 'tis not my fault, and for other reasons that make sense.

Also going back to the titled chapters...

Have A Nice Life!

Word Count: 1749

(Discontinued) A Love As Auld As Time-Countryhumans Where stories live. Discover now