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Kaely's POV

so after my shower, I stepped out of my room to see that everyone had went to their newly discovered rooms and that they were all sleep. Instead of going to sleep like the rest of the crew I decided to go out and look for Reyes and his wife. I already have James looking for their daughter but if things don't move a little quicker I'll have to look for myself. 

I went to my garage and got into my black dodge that had tinted windows. and sped to the place I know that they can't resist going to. A street race.

when I pulled up everyone scattered away from my car in fear and I just so happened to see Reyes and his wife sitting across the lot. 

I grabbed my gun and got out of the car. Instead of walking directly in front of them I walked behind them. Once I was close enough I grabbed his wife and held my gun to her head and stared at Reyes.

"Well would you look at that. What a surprise" I said smiling at him. his wife was struggling to get out of my arms but it wasn't working that well. 

"LET HER GO!!!" he yelled drawing everyone's attention. I cocked my head to the side and smiled even wider.

"Tsk Tsk... Telling me what to do are we? did you forget who I was?" I asked making my grip on her tighter

"Oh wait, I already know that you did because then you wouldn't have tried stealing from me" I said before he had the chance of answering my smile completely gone and there is nothing but a deadly look on my face.

"Let her go. You can get your money back and you'll never see us again. please just let her go" he begged.

"hmm... that's a nice offer but Im getting my money back regardless so that does nothing for me" with that I took the safety off of my gun and shot her two times in the head directly through the ear. once the first shot went off everyone scattered screaming and running to their vehicles trying to get away. 

I dropped the body on the ground and stepped back with my eyes still on Reyes. 

'NOOO!!!" he screamed dropping to his knees cradling her body. He then picked her up and ran to his car and speeding away with her. I let him go simply because I love the chase. And I want him to suffer more. But the main reason I let him go was because I need him to lead me to his daughter. I can't kill him until I know where she is so that I can make sure she is safe.

I walked back over to my car and looked down at my clothes once I sat down.

"Damn I just got out of the shower too." I said looking at the blood and mess on myself and then my phone dinged letting me know that I got a text message.

"I don't know where you are but come to the warehouse" - B

So I started my car and drove to the warehouse with my clothes still looking a mess. When I got there everyone was standing around the computers so that's where I started walking to.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU??" Rome yelled making everyone look at me

"I killed Reyes wife." I said simply shrugging them off.

"What's going on?" I asked brushing them all of from their questions

"The team just got burnt. Now we're all wanted." Tej said rubbing his head all I did was hum and nod my head while leaning on Dom. I guess it didn't bother him because he turned his body so that I could be more comfortable. 

"How did this happen? US Service issued the warrants. Agent L. Hobbs." Gazelle said walking to sit down.

once I heard who was after us I started laughing extra hard. Hard to the point Dom had to hold me up. 

"Mind telling us what's funny?" Tej asked

"Hobbs has been after me for years. He's the best they got yet he can't get me" I said trying to catch my breath 

"Umm who exactly is he?" Mia asked

"Hobbs is the leader of the elite task for the DSS. So he's good. When the FBI wants to find somebody, that's who they call. Because he never misses his mark. Unless it comes to Kaely that is. This guy is Old Testament. Blood, bullets, wrath of God. That's his style. And now he's hunting us." Brian said

"I think everybody needs some fresh air. Lets head back, get washed dressed and then we're gonna take a little drive somewhere." Dom said smirking and tapping my side to get me to get off of him.

"sounds like a plan to me. I need to clean up anyways" I said going back to my car. Everyone followed suit and got into their vehicles and headed to the house. 

once we made it back, instead of letting me go take my shower Brian grabbed me by my arm and pulled me to the front room area.

"Kaely I don't care how strong, or how smart you are don't ever leave without telling anyone and come back covered in blood again. do you know how scared I was when you got out of the car??" He said almost yelling.

"Don't talk to me like that. I can take care of myself I don't have to tell anyone anything." I said crossing my arms and started to walk away.

"I don't care about you taking care of yourself!!! When are you going to stop being so selfish and realize that other people care for you? You were like this when we were younger too and it drives me crazy. You're like my little sister and the way you treat me drives me insane. If you aren't going to change I don't know how Im gonna be around you and talk to you for a while." he said running his hand down his face

"Then don't" I said with my voice void of all emotions. I walked up to my room showing no emotions at all not looking at anyone even though I can see them all looking and staring at me.

Brian is really the only person I consider family but I am used to having to look after myself and not have others do it for me. I look at him like an older brother but Im too stubborn to say that though so I'll just deal with what comes how and when it comes. I just won't speak to him for the rest of this job. after that I made it to my room to shower and get dressed for whatever Dom has planned.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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