author's note

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Hi all,

Thank you so much for reading! I was so excited to surprise you all by dropping this secret story all at once. I hope you noticed all of the little details that connect the prequel to the original story, and I hope you enjoyed "back for you"! If you haven't read it yet, I hope you will now (and message me to tell me how it was to read the prequel before the actual book!).

If you're interested in a paperback version of this story, please fill out the form using the link in my bio! I'm considering offering a joint version of "back for you" and "falling for you" in one package, so let me know your thoughts in the additional feedback section of the form.

I'm very sad to say goodbye to this little universe, but it's time to move on to a new one! The first chapter of my new story, "next to you," is published now, so please go check it out if you're interested! The second chapter should be posted very, very soon -- probably as soon as I finish my finals! :)

Thanks again for reading! Happy holidays, and all the love, always. <3


next to you: chapter 1 preview

Louis simply couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Liam insisted on him meeting his new neighbor at just past one on a Thursday night. Or, technically speaking, one on a Friday morning. They had finally finished dragging about fifteen medium-sized boxes full of Louis's belongings up four flights of stairs, and all Louis wanted to do was collapse onto the floor and sleep until his couch and mattress got delivered the next day.

But no such luck, because his best friend had decided that the wee hours of the night on a bloody Thursday would be the very best time for a bit of socialization and adventure.

He and Liam had met during high school, and they had been pretty much inseparable ever since. Well, except for the brief, two-year period when they attended different colleges. But Louis was now mending their long-distance friendship problem by transferring to Liam's university for his last two years, and, even if the circumstances weren't exactly ideal for him, Liam was beside himself with excitement.

"Fuck Stan!" Liam had shouted when Louis told him, his voice ringing so loudly through the phone that Louis had to hold it away from his ear. "You deserve so much better than that dickhead, anyway. We're going to have so much fun, Lou. You won't even remember his name after a week here."

And surprisingly, at least so far, Liam was right. They had laughed the whole way back from the airport, and Louis had barely thought about his douchebag ex-boyfriend. He felt excited and spontaneous and independent for the first time since high school.

Still, Louis whined with embarrassment as Liam dragged him out of his new flat and into the hallway. "Liam, seriously, it's the middle of the god damn night! Don't bother the poor lad!"

"Trust me, he'll be up." The other boy knocked firmly on the door, and Louis cringed as the loud sound echoed through the otherwise silent hallway.

"How could you possibly know he'll be awake at this hour?"

Liam didn't have a chance to respond. No more than a second after the words left Louis's lips, the door swung open slowly to reveal a disheveled-looking teenage boy. Louis had a brief moment to feel guilty that they must have woken him up. Then he took a good look at the boy's face, and any regrets or reservations disappeared from his mind. 

falling for you [prequel] ➳ l.s.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin