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I walk out of the classroom door with a moan on my face I look down to the floor like it was my only friend in school, I fiddle with my pencil while going past Oliver I cover my face so Oliver didn't try to get me to smile. I walk down the hallway while everyone is laughing at me and smiling at me I kick my shoes in anger because I was no longer friends with Oliver anymore, I walk in the classroom while plopping my school stuff on the table.

" So today everyone we are gonna be working on a English test", said Mrs tree looking at me straight in the eye.

I bring out my English test looking all grumpy because I hate English, I could never do english at school or I would fail the test about a hundred times. I look to my left seeing that Arya was concentrating on the test, I look to my right seeing the ugly ass bitches picking there noses while concentrating on there test aswell.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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