"Bye guys" He waved off 

You watched as he opened the door and walked out into the cool air. You saw him approach a young women. Probably late 20's. They were too far away and all you could see was her long wavy dark brown hair and her clothes. She was like the girl version of Spencer. They looked perfect. He wrapped his arm around her waist and she wrapped hers around his. He kissed her cheek and then they were gone. 

"Y/n?" Emily spoke

"Yeah" you turned to face her 

"What's going on" She sipped her drink

"Nothing I just got distracted" you smiled "Next round is on me"

Everyone that was left cheered. 

You had felt a connections with Spencer. There is no way this was just in your head. It was an instant connection you had never felt before. You sighed and tried cheering yourself up by getting more drinks


4 months later..

You had pushed down what you felt for Spencer and decided it was best for you to just look at him as a friend and only a friend. As time went on you became on of the girls and hung out together whenever a case let you stay in town. Rossi and Hotch had become like mentors to you. You got closer to Derek and Spencer. Everyone loved having fancy dinners at Rossi's house... more like mansion. It started to feel like family. Maeve came around once in a while and you tried getting along with her but for some reason she would not warm up to you.

You were pulled out of your thoughts

"Y/n!" Spencer touched your shoulder and felt shivers going down your spine

No I need to stop with this crush and find someone else

"Oh hey sorry I was just thinking" You smiled up at him

"So are you coming to Rossi's tonight?" He kept his hand on your shoulder

"Yea I can't wait to meet Will" You got up grabbing your coat and bag "I can't believe JJ is letting us meet him"

"Same" He started walking with you to the elevator

"Do you know what the plans are for tonight other than eat amazing Italian food" You both reached for the elevator button 

You quickly pulled your hand away turning to him. He was only inches away from you and he was looking at you. Like he was trying to say something but he didn't. He looked relaxed and his eyes were glistening at you. But then Maeve popped into your head and you took a step back. 

"um I think I left my phone at my desk I will see you at the dinner" you managed to choke out and walked away while he stayed waiting for the elevator. 

Come On y/n keep those ideas out of your head he doesn't think of you in that way


"So Will how long to do you plan on staying here?" Emily asked sipping her fourth cup of wine

Damn she really loved her wine. You were only one drink in

"I'm not sure but I really like it here and I love JJ" he was talking with a thick accent

"Okay you don't have to tell them specific details" JJ blushed 

Emily gulped down the rest of her wine. Strange

"Anyone know why pretty boy and Maeve are taking so long?" Derek poured Emily more wine

"I don't know but I think I know what they are doing" Emily giggled

"I'm sorry darling but I need to take this" Penelope grabbed the wine from Emily's hands

"Babygirl if the lady wants to drink than let her drink" Derek protested pouring himself wine

"I think both of you need to cool it with the wine" Hotch gave a grin. His face was always serious it concerned you sometimes

"I say one thing and suddenly you want to take the wine away" Emily sat up "Pretty boy has a healthy sex life what's wrong with that, were aren't in middle school come on grow up" Emily waved her hands

Everyone laughed and you tried to smile

"Hey remember we are in my house I don't need that thought in my head" Rossi spoke up

"Um I need to use the bathroom I will be right back"  You said getting up 

You couldn't handle hearing more of that conversation. Rossi's house was huge. You were surprised you didn't get lost going to the bathroom sometimes. You went up the stairs then down a long hallway and you were about to turn a corner. But you heard whispers.

"You are so damn stubborn" 

It was Maeve speaking 

"Come on Maeve I have no clue what you are talking about" Spencer spoke with a shaky voice

You stopped moving and leaned against the hallway wall listening in

Maeve grew agitated "Oh please Spencer you have a damn IQ of 187 you know exactly what I am talking about" 

"Don't be like this I love you" His voice sounded genuine but you knew there was more to that

"You like y/n admit it" 

You felt your heart drop

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