Chapter 1: New Beginning

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Puro and Lin would stare for a couple more minutes, before Puro spoke again "Alright human! It's time to keep going, or can you not walk still?" Puro asked with a bit of concern. Lin replied back "No it's fine Puro, I'll be fine." Lin would do a reassuring smile as Puro smiled joyfully back "Alright then human, I'll lead the way for now. Just make sure to stay behind me." Puro would get off of the rock and start to walk ahead. "Of course." Lin replied as he got off of the rock as well, before following Puro, Puro would spot what looks like to be an abandoned apartment building as he quickly pointed at it over and over "There, right there! We could stay there for now human. After all it is getting a bit dark." Puro would say as he stopped pointing at the old, abandoned apartment building. "Yeah it is getting a bit late, do you think we should stay there? I'll let you make the call, after all you are the more useful one." Lin replied as Puro went wide eyed "Me?! Being useful?. . .You really think that?. . .wow you really are the best human!" Puro exclaimed as he smiled. Lin would laugh a bit at Puro's adorableness, he really did love that about Puro. "Well I think that place should be fine for now!. . .Well. . .atleast I would hope so." Puro said hesitantly, but would walk ahead to the building anyways as Lin joyfully followed. "Well that clothed Furry guy did say that there we're some human survivors, what if they we're here. . .I probably wouldn't like that or feel comfortable." Lin said nervously, Puro would slightly pat Lin's head "I'm sure we'll be perfectly fine! And if anyone tries to hurt you, I promise I'll protect you human!" Puro smiled again "You can call me Lin you know." Lin told Puro as Puro would get wide eyed again "Your allowing me to call you your real name?! Wow now I won't have to call you human anymore! I now can call you 'Lin'!" Puro said as he excitedly hugged Lin. Lin couldn't help but blush even a little, he wasn't sure why. . .but it was a good feeling.

[Chapter 1 End.]

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