Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


                The bell for the end of the day finally rang.  I was mentally exhausted from trying to concentrate on all of my boring classes that day.  I headed toward my locker when I remembered I didn’t have basketball today so I could go home and take a long needed nap. 

                I unlocked my locker and start putting my books away when Carson showed up behind me.

“So are you still coming over?” she asked.

Damn, I totally forgot I told her I was going to her house. “Yeah, duh.”

“Okay, well I have to run to the office real quick so I’ll just meet you at my car.”


Carson walked toward the office and I finished putting my books away.  I headed out to the parking lot to wait by Carson’s car, like an idiot that doesn’t have her license.  Sigh.


                When I saw Serenity head toward my car I backtracked past her locker and to the senior hallway, knowing I would find my brother there.  When I turned the corner I instantly spotted him being surrounded by a small group of girls.  Gag.  I walked up to the group and pushed my way through so I was standing right in front of Cade.  When he saw me he smiled and began to talk the way he does when he is around other people.

“Girls I am sorry but my sister obviously needs me for something so I would appreciate if you ladies gave us some privacy.”

All the girls muttered okay and no problem’s while they sulked away like little puppies who just got yelled at for the first time.  Again GAG!  Then Cade’s attention turned back to me.


“Oh Cade don’t act like you hate seeing me.”

“You know I don’t but when there is a group of girls surrounding me you should know not to interrupt.”

“Wow you are such a douche.”

“You love me.  Now what do you need?”

“I was just making sure you have swim practice today, right?”

“Uh, yeah, why do you care?”

“Because Serenity is coming over and I don’t want you there and her being distracted and all weird.”

“Serenity is weird around me?”

“Oh don’t act like you don’t realize she has a crush on you.  I think I’m the only girl who doesn’t and that’s because I’m your sister.”

“Oh shut up.  Not every girl has a crush on me.  I mean the ones that haven’t met me before don’t.”

“God you are so full of yourself Cade.”

“You said it, I just agreed.”

“Bye Cade…don’t drown.”

I walked away with a smile on my face.


                Finally I saw Carson walking out of the school.

“My God Carson did you get lost?”

“Calm down Titty, Cade stopped and talked to me for a little bit, something about telling mom something or other.  I don’t know I kind of stopped listening after he said ‘Hey Carson.’”

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