Just Go With It

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Did he really just say what I think he said?

Yes Clem! He wants to fuck you too!

But how did he know?

Well you made it obvious when you had your mouth hanging lower than your pride.

"Clem you okay?"

I snapped out my thoughts looking down at Ty. Now I was really going crazy by talking to myself. Thank God it wasn't out in the open.

"Yea I'm okay. Just a little light headed. So what do you wanna do first?"

He grinned popping his collar before spinning in a circle and stopping right next to me.

"Well." He begins. "First I was thinking we go on a couple of dates, you fall in love, we get married then I see what you got hiding underneath that skirt."

I backed away as Momma Ryan came charging towards Ty slapping him in the back of his head.

"Porque Abuelita?" He wined.

"Don't you start that Spanish shit with me. I wish your grandfather would've never taught you. Watch your mouth you hear me?!"

He nodded keeping his head down as Momma Ryan gave me an apologetic look before walking back into the kitchen.

Ty grabbed my hand walking down the hall to the elevator. He pressed the button to the second floor and we rode up. He took me to his room and sat at his desk while I sat on the bed near him.

"Division. I don't understand it. I asked my mom to help me but all she tells me is 'ask ya Daddy since he so damn smart.' "

I nodded going over everything with him. I was sitting and watching as he worked out a problem when I noticed a faint bruise at the bottom of his Jaw.

"Ty what happened?" I asked him lightly turning his head and running my finger across it.

He snatched his head away from me going back to his paper.

"It's nothing. I fell."

I glared at his turned head until he finally looked at me.

"What." He demanded more than asked.



"You wanna tell me the truth or keep lying? You've had that bruise for at least three weeks."

"Can you just let it go."

"What happened Ty?" 

"Clem please."

I watched his eyes begin to water and him swallow a lump in his throat.

I gently grabbed his hand pulling him to me and on my lap.

"When I was ten after my dad died my mom would leave and get really drunk. When she'd come home she would find a reason to yell at me and she'd end up hitting me. Then the next morning she'd wake up not remembering a thing and ask me where I got all my marks from. I'd tell her I fell playing outside."

"It's not my mom, she just yells and calls me names. It's her husband. He gets mad and hits my mom then hits me when I try to help her."

"Ty you have to tell your dad. If you don't then-"

"No! Clem you can't tell him. Please don't. You have to promise me."



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