I've Just Had A Terrible Day!

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"Hey, Drake?" Katie asks.

"Yeah," he replies while still looking at the cash register.

"How much trouble would I get in if I dump this drink over someone's head?"

Drake looks up at Katie with a twinkle in his eye. "Depends. Who is it? Would you be willing to clean it up? Would you go on a date with me? Also, could you do it on the tile instead of the carpet?"

Katie didn't seem to listen very well. She seemed pretty preoccupied and automatically assumed that the answer was," No, of course you wouldn't." She took off the top to her drink, smiled a brief smile at Drake, and turned around.

Katie then marched over to this guy grabbed his hand and started tugging him over to the tile floor. The guy seemed too shocked to say anything and just followed.

Everyone in the cinema stopped talking just to watch the two people.

"JACK!" she screams in the young man's face.

Suddenly, Katie poured her extra-large Dr. Pepper over the boys head.


"CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kim yells for about the fourth time already," Abigail? What is the deal? I've told you about a million times already... You're supposed to call him a jerk. Where in the world did you get Jack from? That's not even his name... Remember Abby. You call him a jerk... Oh, and just a reminder... His name is Dylan anyway..." She turns away mumbling about how in the world I got Jack out of this.

You see... I've been messing up this scene on purpose... I would say the wrong line then throw my drink at him before anyone even thinks about stopping me.

Anyway, the reason I am so consumed in trying to mess up this scene is because Jesse got on my nerves all yesterday about going out. Granted, he doesn't know that it's me with the wig and all that stuff but that's beyond the point...

"Hey, what's the deal? Do I know you or something? You seem to only mess up that scene," Jesse says suddenly appearing beside me while rubbing a towel on his head. "No offense, but I'm kinda getting tired of having drinks poured on me. This was the fourth time."

"Oh, no! Sorry. I've just had such a terrible day! I can't seem to think straight! I don't even know where I got the name Jack from... There's not even a Jack on the cast... Heck! I don't even know a Jack," Abigail starts to ramble. It's probably time to actually get the scene right. I won't be able to pour drinks on his head forever.

Jesse couldn't believe this mega star can't messing up this one scene. Everything had been fine with ever other scene so far until this one. It's bad enough they start shooting at 4, but to have multiple sticky drinks poured over your head at 6 in morning, you stop having fun.
He can't help feeling like he's met this Abigail Adams before. It's hard not to recognize her since she's always on the front of the tabloid, but it's never really for anything fun. Everyone just loves her which is why my manager kept pushing this movie on me. Be seen with America "princess" to get some good publicity.
I figure it's because everyone would fantasize about the bad boy and good girl dating even if we don't. The tabloids love a good story though. But dating her, would be a really bad idea according to my manager. Everyone seems to believe I can't keep it in my pants. Yeah I might sleep around, but I never give false hope to make them think we're going to start dating or anything, so I'm not even really cheating.
I just wish she could get this scene, so we can wrap it up for the day. I've got to start thinking about all the different things I can do to get that girl Abigail from school to date me. She seems wholesome enough, plus she's got a smartass mouth that's so damn sexy. For some reason, she's not falling for me just because I'm an actor. I've never really had to work to get a girl to do anything I want, and now I can't even get a girl to go on a date with me. This is ridiculous, but damn if it doesn't make me want to work harder.
"Okay everyone! Back to your places! Abigail remember your line is jerk. Let's get it right this time," the director yells.
Going back to my spot, I hope she gets it right this time. All I need to hear is the work jerk, and I'll be the happiest guy in the world.
Abigail runs over, grabs my arm while I try to act shocked, throws her drink on my head  and yells, "JERK! What are you doing here with her? You're supposed to be with me, and I come in the store to get a drink and talk Drake only to see you talk up the town's slut? How could you?"
Putting on his biggest pout, he reaches out to her saying, "Baby stop! I was not coming onto her. I have no reason to, but I want to know why you were coming in her to talk to Drake for anyway. You said y'all never talked anymore, yet you just said you came for me. Explain that."

Abigail makes her eyes go wide acting like she didn't know what he meant. Crossing her arms over her chest, she snaps, "I never said we didn't talk anymore. You just assumed we didn't. Whatever. I don't have time for this anyway." She turns on her heel and stalks out of the store with as much attitude as she could muster.
Clapping immediately filled the room as soon as the director yelled at them to be back in the morning at four sharp.
Abigail rushed back to her dressing room hoping school would be a lot easier today than it was yesterday.

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