Chapter 10: A world without Hope (Part 2)

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Josie sat in the chair as she waited for her father to come in, she wondered where Hope was and who the masked figure is but she knew she couldn't do anything about. "Josie this is a serious accusation." Her father said. Josie looked at her father and stood up from the chair. "Dad, I didn't do it I swear there was alight and a masked figure, you have to believe me." Alaric looked at Josie not knowing whether or not she was telling the truth. "Is this true Penelope?" He looked over at the door and Penelope walked in. "I didn't see anyone else but Josie." Josie's jaw dropped as her best friend said she was the one who did it.

"I got the tapes, Alaric." Dorian handed the tapes to Alaric and he sat down at his desk. "Dad, what's going on?" Lizzie walked in and looked at everyone. "It's noting Lizzie." 

"We'll see if Josie is telling the truth." Alaric said as he turned the tv on. Lizzie looked at Josie. "Jos, what did you do?" Josie looked at Lizzie who gave her a stare. "I didn't do anything to Hope." Josie looked at the tv to see that only she and Hope were in the video. "No, that, that doesn't make since, dad I didn't do this." 

Josie looked frightened as she didn't know what to think. "Dorian, Josie is to be in her room until we figure this out." Dorian shook his head and brought Josie to her room. "I didn't do anything, I don't know what happened to Hope." Josie yelled.

(Another place)

Hope awakened as her chest filled with fire, she noticed she was no longer at the school and wondered if it was a dream, Hope walked anxiously outside. "Hello, Hope." Hope turned around to see Alaric standing in front of her. "Doctor Saltzman, what's going on?" Hope questioned what was happening. "There isn't enough time, we have to get you back to the school." Alaric said. "But wait what's happening?" Hope exclaimed. "The school is in danger Hope and only you can save it, you must save it." Alaric pulled her into a door and closed it. "Wait, what's happening." Hope banged on the door. "Just remember Hope, your fate is set in stone, you can't change it." Hope looked confused as Alaric disappeared.

The door behind Hope opened and she walked out to see Lizzie standing in front of her. "Lizzie what's going on?" Hope said. "Don't you remember Hope, you killed her." Hope looked as she saw Josie lying on the ground. "No, no I didn't do this." Hope yelled. "Your a monster, Hope, you always will be." Hope started to run and found herself inside her house in New Orleans.

"Aunt Freya, how did I get here?" Hope asked. "You failed us Hope, you failed your entire family." Freya closed the door and disappeared. "Someone please tell me what's happening." Hope started to scream.

(Salvatore school)

Lizzie walked over to door and opened it. "Liz, you have to believe me I didn't do anything." Josie confessed to her sister. "You don't have to lie to me." Lizzie said. "You, what did you do?" Josie grabbed her sister. "Me, i didn't do it." Josie sat down and Lizzie sat next to her. "Lizzie someone in a hood, said they were going to burn the school down until there is no Hope left." Lizzie gives out a chuckle. "Well, we'll figure out who got rid of Hope, maybe like they got rid of her for a reason." 

Josie's eyes widened, she went over to her dresser and grabbed the items from her dreams. Josie told Lizzie about everything.

"You should've told me, Jos." Lizzie said. "I know, i just didn't want to believe my fate was already set in stone." Josie exclaimed. "Okay, come on, we are going to figure this out together." They both went out of the room and looked around the school for answers.

"What about Kevin? He seems different." Josie said. "Him, no Jos, he's an idiot." Josie laughed as they heard an explosion. Everyone ran and Josie picked up something from the ground. They put out the fire and then everyone started to argue. "What is going on in here?" Alaric said. "Dad something's going on." Josie said.


Hope sat confused and tried to use magic to get home, she noticed a necklace on the floor. As she picked it up she could hear arguing. "Hello, is someone there?" 

(Salvatore school)

Everyone was arguing as Josie stood trying to listen. "Everyone shut up." Josie screamed. They all stopped and looked at her. "Do you hear that?" They all stopped and listened to someone yelling for help.

"Its coming from over here." Mg yelled. 

Josie ran over to the book case when she put her hand on the book case she could feel  the bookcase starting to move. She siphoned the magic from it and saw Hope standing there looking upset.

"Hope, How'd you get down here." Josie said. "Josie, your alive." Hope ran over and hugged Josie, Josie hugged her back and could feel her heart beating faster. "Uh, hello." Lizzie said.

Hope sat down and explained what had happened. "It doesn't make since who'd wanna get rid of you?" Mg said as Hope shrugged her shoulders.

(Somewhere in Mystic Falls)

"Did it work." A mysterious voice said. 

"Yes, Hope is now convinced she is a monster." 

 "Good, our plan is nearly set in motion and soon no one will be able to stop what's coming."

"What about the mark of a true love, that's one of the most powerful things in the world?"

"Our plan will succeed before then, but you need to figure out who her true love is and get rid of them, Don't you Kevin?"

 "I wont fail you, father."

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