Transform Me Bæ

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( I know everyone wants Luke, but hang in there. He comes soon!)

Its 1:35 pm, and I. Sitting in a room with grey walls with white trim. There is one window to the left of me and piles upon piles of boxes.

I sit up hearing voices outside my door. I can't make out what they're saying, but I know it's Ave and her sis; Lou.

Pulling my long ash blonde hair into a bun at the back of my head, I stand in my old T-shirt and shorts. Aka Pjs.

"Ave, you should of woken me! Its like afternoon," I yell to her. Foot steps sound outside my door.

"Oh shush, its early. Now go take a shower and get dressed, I'm taking you for a make over," she says cheerily.

I look my best friend over. Brown eyes, bleached blonde, pericings on lips, nose, and ears and her thick black glasses. Classic punk nerd. She wants to be a music teacher. A badass one.

I just laugh, and walk down the hall of the small house to the one bathroom.

"Hurry!" She halars down the hall, jumping up and down.

The bathroom is a lavender purple with a small toilet and large bathtub.

I lock the door and strip from my clothes and look at my self in an old miorr.

My ash blonde hair reaches my butt. A peircing adorms my lip and my big green eyes pop out. One silver belly button ring, and black painted nails.

I wasn't beautiful, no where near it, but I was me. Or what they wanted me to be.

The fake me.

My shower took 40 minutes, and before I knew Ave had me dressed in ripped jeans and a T-shirt. My hair down, light make-up covering my face.

"What we doing?!" I said loudly over 'Bad Blood'. T-Swift singing loudly.

"Band aids dont fix bullet holes. You say sorry just for show!" Avery sings along with T-Swift. She's always had a beautiful voice.

"Ave!" I yell. She continues to drive her Toyota truck down the road. "Avery Claire Willom!" I turn my head forwards her.

"What!" She turns the radio down. She's always had bad hearing.

"You def of something?" She just smirks at me.

"Yes idead I am, in this ear," she states pointing to her right ear. The one with the hearing aid in.

"I know," I roll my eyes at her. "Where we going?" Ave steers the truck with one hand.

"To transform you, bae." I purse my lips.

"To transform me?"

"Yep." She pops the 'p' at the end of the sentence.

"Okay. How exactly are you going to 'transform me'?" I raise my eye brows questioningly.

She laughs. Hee bleached blonde hair fans around her lower back. "You'll see." She giggles.

I laugh along with Ave. "Your no help," I say between laughs.

"I know," she bellows. Snorty laughs leave our mouthes. 

We drive and talk for some time. Making jokes about the people we pace. Like the pizza man, or that weird hippy couple. In Cherry Hill you can expect everything. We just roll with it.

"Ooo, cutey alerts!" I hear Ave say calling out quiffy boy and his friends in the car next to us. Theres Quiff boy, the boy with the dyed hair, and dimples, along with the asian. I have nothing agenst asians I just don't know what to call him. Dimples drives. Personally Quiffy is cuter than the rest, but I guess I've always liked his type. His asian friend looks at us; his eyes a dark brown.

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