Seventh year | Cyclopes & Time

Start from the beginning

The sheep's wool was the worst bit, because now we were covered in it, sticking to us. Even the monster dust stuck to us, and it had gotten in my mouth.

My dagger was lost somewhere in the ocean, so now I was weaponless as well. Maybe I can pay the camp for it, so they can get another?

"So...never talk about that again?" Leo asked, trying to mend his torn shirt.

"Agreed." I breathed, looking down at how most of my outfit was shredded.

"I'll go steal some clothes, you stay out of sight." Leo walked off and I went to one of the umbrellas. I used the camp backpack as a way to cover myself up.

I thought about our fight, we had gone into it strategizing, then our goal was just to kill the thing. I shivered, going into the things mouth was gross enough, but entering its digestive system would cost me fifteen years of therapy.

I almost feel like I had it worse than Leo, and his hands literally had to touch the things loincloth. He came out of the fight saying he'd like to burn off his hands.

Now I'm beyond glad we're not demigods. This constant near death and not being able to use magic was awful. Not only that, but Voldemort was getting other creatures to join him.

"(Y/n)!" Leo shouted, running over.

He threw me some clothes, this time with a bra. I don't even want to know how he got it.

"Change, I'll guard you." He turned around and watched out for me.

I changed my clothes and he had gotten me something a bit more practical this time. He had managed to get me a new pair of shorts, ones that weren't khaki.

They were athletic shorts, and doing a practice kick, they were good. He had gotten me a sports bra, and I rummaged through the backpack to find our camp shirts.

Leo changed too and when we were done, we looked surprisingly unlike ourselves. We looked like demigods, on a quest for our absent parents.

"Let's get going. It'll be night soon and we need to find a place to sleep." Leo grabbed my hand.

We ran, making sure not to lose each other. We had rinsed off in the sea, but a proper shower was in great need. As we walked around, there was no one.

Every door was closed, but the places sounded like they were open and had people speaking and music playing.

We continued walking and I thought I saw someone in a shop, but they were wearing clothes from the forties.

"This looks good." Leo looked up at the sign.

We went in and there was no clerk or anyone at the desk. We waited, but no one came. We ended up grabbing our own key and went into our room. 

It wasn't bad, very white and blue, with air conditioning. There were two beds, so Leo and I chose ours and we looked around. There was a shower, so I let Leo go first.

I took out some parchment and ink from my bag. I was about to write to Millicent and Blaise, but then I remembered that they didn't know I existed. They don't even know each other well in their modified memories.

The Snakes Princess (Draco Malfoy X OC/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now