"I have plans, sorry." I wasn't lying. I did have plans, Lilla's bakesale. Not all day but he didn't need to know that. 

"That's too bad. Oh well, have a nice evening, Josephine." My heart rate increased when he said my name. It was the way he said it that made me. 

I have known this man all of 2 days and my body is already responding this way. 

What is going on?  

I know I should be concerned, and even question myself at his actions but I don't. And I cant put my finger on why. All I can think about is his peircing green eyes and the uncanny familiarity I get from him. 

Almost like I know him from a dream.

A dream...

Holy shit, I was dreaming about Felix Caliban


I entered the apartment relieved. My feet throbbing with pains I shouldn't be getting at this age. Closing the door behind me, I kick off my sneakers and look across the dimly lit room to see Val and Lilla, curled on the bed asleep.

A smile creeps onto my lips. Walking over to Lil's side, I sweep the golden hair from her face, soft snores falling from her lips. I hear Val stir and eventually wake up, propping herself on her elbow facing me.

"Oh hey, Jose."Her voice still laced with sleep. I can tell she's exhausted and honestly I don't have any strength either. She sits up more, running her hand through her thick black hair. "Sorry, I fell asleep." She scoots closer to the end of the bed, lifting the duvet to make room for me. I crawl next to her, my exhausted body welcoming the thick, warm duvet.

"You should say. I don't want you driving this late." My eyelids grew heavy and I fight to keep them open, eventually giving in and letting them close. My body instantly relaxing.

"I'll come with you tomorrow, to the bake sale." She mumbles and I can hear her shuffling next to me.

Shit, the bake sale. I totally forgot and didn't buy anything to pass off as homemade. Why do kids even have bake sales? 5- What's the point of buying food made by kids, it's not any good anyway.

"We made cupcakes, they're on the counter." I also forgot to mention that Valentina has the uncanny ability to read my mind. I guess that's a perk of being so close to someone. I feel like I've known her my whole life. "Lilla had so much fun making them, even though I told her cookies were much easier. She insisted on double chocolate cupcakes." I can hear by the way she's talking that she is smiling. I also find myself smiling, double chocolate cupcakes are my absolute favorite. And Lilla knows that. She made them for me.

"Thank you again for watching her. She loves you."

"Tell that to the grudge she held against me when I moved out. Remember, she didn't talk to me for a week I had to bribe her with strawberry ice cream." By now we're so sleep-deprived everything is funny and we can't help but fall into a fit of laughter.

The next morning, I slept through my alarm and almost was late to take Lilla to school. When I rolled over and glanced at the clock, it glared 8:13 am.

"Shit!" I fumbled with the covers struggling to free myself from their warm confines. I rush into the kitchen expecting Lilla and Val to be goofing of eating cereal.

"Lil baby, we need to go let's get dressed please." I frantically run my fingers through my hair trying to smooth the sleep from it. I was in no place to sit down and straighten it, we didn't have the time.

"Lilla, please," I call entering the kitchen all but surprised to find Lilla dressed and ready for school, Valentina reading her a story on the couch. I let out a relieved sigh and stumble towards them, putting on my shoes in the process.

"Thank goodness you're ready, we're already running late. C'mon." ushering them off the couch and into the car was quicker than I was originally planning. I'm only hoping this bakesale is quick so I can come back and have a nap before I pick her up again, it's not often I get a day off and I intend on enjoying as much of it as possible. 

The school parking lot and courtyard have been transformed into a fair set up. Booths littered the grass and children screaming and running through. 

Its chaos. And I hate it. 

"Okay, Angel go put these on the table." I hand her the box of cupcakes and she scurried off to the table, stopping to show them off to her friends. 

I like seeing her with her friends. She was such a sad little girl and I'm so happy she grew out of her shell and has friends. I glance over and see Val emerge from the car on her phone. 

I send her a little wave, checking to make sure she's okay. She waves back and I can see her hang up and make her way towards me. 


"Hi, is everything alright?" Her deminer was anxious and she kept looking around the yard. She was starting to make me nervous. 

"Yea! I have to leave, work called asking if I could cover for someone." I groan. I know she doesn't want to go, but she will. That's just the person she is. 

"Alright, well thanks for your help." I hug her and watch her go over to Lilla, hugging her goodbye. Lilla of course did everything she could to get Val to stay, even gave her a cupcake. 

I have to laugh. They are really close and I'm so thankful she's in our lives. 

I stand back, admiring the kids having fun and the helicopter parents running their show. I don't want to be a single part of that, I'm only here for Lilla.  Patiently, I wait for her to be done playing and have a seat on a bench away from all the drama. 

It's honestly not as bad as I was thinking, despite Val leaving me. 

That was until gunshots rung through the yard and everyone screamed.

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