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When I woke up the following morning, I found that I was alone once more. Ryan didn't leave yet, did she? I wanted to ask her one more thing in person before she left. I jumped out of my bunk and went out to the front of the bus, where I found Ryan, sitting at a table with earbuds in. Her lips moved with the lyrics of whatever song she was listening to, and her eyes were closed. I sat next to her and tapped on her shoulder, she jumped, and then took her earbuds out. "What were you listening to?" I asked her. 

"Patience. You guys were right when you said that Guns 'n' Roses are talented."

"They are good, aren't they? But I have a serious question," I started. 

"What is it?" She asked, looking at me with concern in her eyes. Did I just worry her more than necessary?

"I was wondering if you'd accompany me to Lily and Ben's wedding. I already asked, and they said that you were welcome to come if you'd like."

She sighed. "I told you how I feel about Lily already, Denis. I don't want to go to her wedding."

"I'm walking her down the isle," I said quietly,  shakily.

"You're what?!" She looked taken aback. "How is that even possible? How does that make any sense?"

"No one from her family is coming, and since they don't believe too strongly in formality, she asked for me to. You have to understand that I'm the closest thing to family that she has." I looked Ryan in the eyes. "She's like a sister to me. I'd do it for her if it's the only thing that's keeping her from falling apart on that day."

"Why do you want for me to come?" She asked. 

"Moral support? Please?" I pleaded with her. I hadn't thought up a good reason for her to come with me yet. 

"You're worried about this, aren't you? Or is it that you're afraid of being all alone?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Never mind the reasons why." I waved my hands at her to dismiss her conclusions. "Will you go or not?"

"When is it?"

"January 16, a few weeks from now."

"I'll think about it, okay?" She swallowed. "I have news for you too, by the way."

"What is it?" I asked her, excited but nervous all the same.

"I edited my draft, and I sent it back in to the publishers that I saw when you came, and they really liked it."

I looked at her expectantly. "So is it getting published?"

"They told me that when it's finished, they would be interested. I'm going to be a motherfucking writer!" She smiled wide enough to hurt. 

"That's amazing! I'm so proud of you!" I reached out and hugged her, trying to keep my own mood in check. I want to feel happy for her, but I think the talk of the wedding brought my mood down again. I know I don't have feelings for Ben any more, but it still hurts to see the both of them get so lucky together. 

Cameron interrupted us, coming bolting in. "You're never going to believe this! I've got the best news!" 

"What's up?" I asked him, letting Ryan go.

"I don't need to worry about that bitch Rachel anymore! She took my soul, and to take another would be in violation of the code! You can only steal one soul per year! And, because it's in violation of the Devil's Code, I get my soul back!" He hugged himself. "You've got no idea how great it is to feel alive again."

"Devil's Code?" Ryan asked.

I shrugged. "He's convinced that he's met the devil. But I wouldn't dare ask about it. All I know is that he's happy, and that Lily's safe too. Apparently there was a massive plot against her or something."

"This didn't concern you in the least?" She asked me, sounding appalled. 

"Of course it concerned me. Why do you think that I warned her about it? The point is, it doesn't matter anymore. All's well that ends well."

"What's the Devil's Code?" Ryan asked Cam.

"Why would you do that?" I complained.

"Apparently, even the rulebreakers have rules. According to the Devil's Code, which would be better known as The Code of Souls if you're in the underworld or something like that, a reaper, devil, or any other soul thief can only steal one soul a year. Any attempts to steal a second is in violation of the code. And if the code has been violated, then the thief must return all stolen property, including the souls that have already been taken, and are stripped of all of their rights. She's basically in jail forever now."

"That's great?" She shrugged. 

"Of course it's great! It's the greatest thing in the whole fucking universe! This is the best day ever!" Cameron jumped around a bit more, clearly still super wired having his soul back and all. And you know what, maybe for a moment I really believed that everything that he'd said was true. 

But then again, all moments are fleeting, even the best of them.

Can You Keep A Secret (Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now