Do You Want To Make A Deal?

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It is Dark and it Get
Yet Darker
You can't See Anything Around you
You Can't Hear anything Around You

The Is Nothing

But After some Time You Noticed
That you Start to Hear Screams from The Distance But So Fast They Appeared so Fast They also Disappear Again Until Just Dead Silent Was Around You
The Loudest Thing you Where Able to Hear was your Own Breathe

This Void you Where in was Making you Insane
It was Like a Dark Hole and Everytime you Try to Break Free you just Fall Deeper and Faster even if you Actually Didn't Move there was Nothing to Move around you was just there

You didn't Remember How you get here or at Least Where "Here" is
You don't Really Remember Who you are
The Since Around You was almost Like a Dirty Knife that Slowly Cut in Your Flesh
It was Difficult to Breathe
Or to Think Clearly
You wasn't Scared not Yet
You wasn't Happy
You wasn't Sad



Until a Voice Broke The Silence Like The Neck of a Bat

Voice:Do You Want To Make A Deal?

Chara The Loveful Demon Where stories live. Discover now