1: First Day

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Melissa Benoist was an extremely happy person who loved to socialize and make new friends. She loved to try and explore new things and she always had a smile one her face and laugh that lit up the entire room. She loved to sing, dance, and fool around until she met him. Her now husband, Blake Jenner, who took all of that away in just a blink of an eye.

Everything started when Melissa first met Blake in "Glee" while she played the role of Marley Rose. When they first met he seemed all nice and gentle, like the type of guy who would go out of his way to bring you flowers or the type to stop everything he was doing to help you when you felt sick or in need of help. He made her laugh and smile and enjoy every moment of life. When you looked at her eyes her eyes were like if you were staring at the ocean and they would sparkle like a diamond when a ray of sunshine hit it's core. Now when you look at her eyes it's like if you were looking at a cloudy grey sky or like the sky right before a storm. Her smile faded away and if she smiled only the end of her lips would tug up a little and her laugh was completely gone, only a small amount of air would come out of her nose imitating a small chuckle, she was hollow inside. Now she hated to go outside and explore because she was afraid to come home late and have something done to her and she was afraid of going out with her friends because she knew he would get jealous and then get drunk and make a mess. She wasn't the same Melissa as before, now she was just a afraid woman who felt like her own life wasn't even her anymore.


As Melissa was getting ready in the bathroom to go to work and start her first day of filming season two of "Supergirl" she felt his arms around her waist. She flinched at his touch, closing her eyes for a second and opening them again. She exhaled deeply and continued to apply makeup on the visible bruises she knew people would see. Blending the makeup with her skin, Blake placed a kiss on Melissa's neck making her release a shaky breath, she was afraid. Melissa hesitantly unwrapped his hands from her waist and quickly walked out of the bathroom and headed towards the front door. Grabbing her keys, purse, and phone quickly, she was out the door before Blake got to her and said anything.

Melissa pulled up to the set parking and saw two new cars she's never seen before. It couldn't be one of her cast friends because they were already there. She thought that it could be two new cast members, but she wasn't sure yet. Melissa put those thoughts away and slowly walked towards the table reading room with pain on her hip that got more strong with each step she took.

Entering the room she sat down on the chair that had her name on it, wincing when she bent down to sit. Melissa looked to her right to find a raven haired woman, but she couldn't see her face since her hair was covering it. Her hair looked gorgeous. It was black, long, shiny, and it even looked smooth. Even though Melissa was scared she still wanted to find out who this raven woman was, so she softly tapped her shoulder.

"Hi, Im Melissa Benoist. I see you're new here." Melissa spoke up looking at the woman's emerald eyes that popped up against her pale skin.

"Hi, Im Katie McGrath. And yes, Im new here. I was told I was going to be for a few episodes." Her voice sounded soft, but it had an Irish accent to it.

"Oh, looks like you're going to be here for a while." Melissa gave her a small smile that was barely visible while trying to sound confident.

"Yeah, I don't know anyone here yet bedsides the writers." Katie took a breath, finally taking a good look at Melissa's dull blue eyes and admiring them for a quick second. "Umm. what character do you play? I'm going to be playing Lena Luthor."

"I play Kara Danvers, who is also Supergirl, which I think I wasn't supposed to tell you that." Melissa replied starting to lose a bit around Katie. She wasn't sure if it was whether the fact that she was a woman or if was because of the kind hearted energy that she gave off.

"Okay everyone! Now that everyone is here, let's get started." One of the writers called out which made Melissa jump slightly.

Everyone at the table opened up their scripts and they all started reading the first few scenes. After a while everyone took a break and went to grab something to eat or drink, except Katie Katie reached under the table and into her purse, pulling out a thick book. Katie is the type of person who can read for hours and hours and never get bored of reading.

Melissa saw Katie reading so she left her alone, not wanting to become a burden. She saw her closest friend from set, Chyler Leigh, talking with other people from set so she left her alone too. Melissa decided to go in a corner and eat her salad and isolated herself until she had to go back.

While eating Melissa saw a man she's never seen before. He had to facial hair from what she could see, he looked muscular, and his hair was brushed to the right side of hid head. The old Melissa would've gone towards him and introduced herself, but this Melissa was afraid to, so she just stayed away.

A few minutes later they all got called back to the table reading and Melissa spotted the man sitting next to Chyler, but she ignored him and walked towards her chair. Once in her chair she noticed Katie putting her book away.

"I-umm, Katie?" Melissa spoked up, fidgeting with her thumbs.

"Yes, darling." Katie responded, making Melissa feel weird from the pet name, but not in a bad way.

"What's that book you were reading about?" Melissa started to shake her leg and fidget with her thumbs even more.

"Oh, it's a historical fiction book and it's about the creation/building of this fictional town. It's very interesting so far. I started reading it yesterday so I don't know a lot about it. Why do you ask?"

"I-I was just wondering. I love to read, but I just haven't gotten the time to get new books." Melissa said, but only half of it was true. Melissa does love reading, but Blake won't let her go out to the library, order any books online, or anything of that matter.

"I can lend you some. I have a very large bookshelf with many books I've read and haven't read yet."

"That's v-very nice, but you don't have to."

"I insist." Katie smiled, bringing her hand up to her chest. "I'll bring you one when we meet again." Melissa's lips formed into a tiny smile that was barely noticeable and faced forward.

Melissa knew she would be screwed if Blake saw that she brought something home that wasn't hers, so she had to hide the book Katie was going to give her very carefully. He really didn't like when Melissa socialized with other people, but Melissa didn't know why exactly.

Deep deep down, Melissa wanted to tell Chyler or anyone who would listen to her, but she's afraid of him. She's scared that if she told anyone he would do something even worse than he usually does. Melissa was so afraid of him that his name made her flinch and so the thought of him or the thought of going home to him, if she could call it "home".

Home was supposed to be a place where you felt safe, not scared. Home was supposed to be a place where you went to your significant other after a long day at work, relax and spend some quality time together. Not being forced to do things for them and being treated like their slave, and wondering if you were going to make it to tomorrow.







hey!! so i, like not dead. I wrote this a while ago, but I wasn't sure if i shouldve publish it or not. anyways, let me know if y'all like it enough for me too keep writing it.

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