Caring for You

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To be married off is something I have been expecting, but I wasn't expecting him. His soft smile as he gazed at me and that was it. That's all he did when we first met. Why? Why didn't he say or do anything else? For some reason it pissed me off. I sat there, my face down as a sign of respect and as the priest explained everything, he just sat there, smiling. I kept my face neutral and respectful, I didn't know what to expect.

"I hope we can get to know each other, Amane-San" He spoke and I was caught off guard.

"Uh, of course, Ubuyashiki-Sama." I bowed my head and could tell my nervous demeanor was obvious. He chuckled a little and I felt my heart race. I found it cute for some reason, but I stopped myself from showing it.

"Well, we'll set up the marriage and you two can get to know each other after." The priest spoke and got up, walking off to handle the arrangements. I kept my eyes down and was wondering about the world I was being thrown in.

"Are you nervous, Amane-Sama?" He smiled at me with some concern in his voice. He called me Amane-Sama like I was important. What was his game here?

"Just a little shocked still. I wasn't expecting this to happen so soon I suppose." I was being honest with my feelings, which was odd for me.

"Why don't we go on a little adventure while we wait for this thing." He tried getting up, but stumbled a little, so I jumped up to his side and helped him to his feet.

"I apologize for that, Amane-Sama. Thank you for coming to my care." He smiled, but he looked a tad bit sad. I held onto his arm and smiled at him.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked him with a hopeful tone.

He took my hand in his and began leading us to a garden. There were an arrangement of flowers everywhere, but there was mostly wisteria flowers. To keep demons away, but it made everything look magical. I walked to some of them, still holding onto his hand and gently felt them. I had a look of awe as I walked around, taking in the scenario, and talking about anything that came to mind.

"So, that's why I didn't want to just be married off." I spoke and realized that I had told him something that we weren't supposed to talk about.

"Makes sense, you don't each other and it's almost like your freedom is taken away by being forced to marry and care for someone. Which is why I want to tell you something." He was still smiling as he turned to me and spoke.

"Don't marry me if you don't want too. I don't want to force anyone into this situation and it's unfair to expect you to just marry me and become some care keeper for me. I don't want you to lose your freedom and I'll tell the priest that I refuse to marry you." He finished and my eyes were wide from surprise.

"What are you talking about? We don't have a choice." I was stunned by his words.

"Amane-Sama, you're a beautiful person inside and out and I would love to marry you, but I won't burden and imprison you." He was looking at me and then turned back to flowers in front of us.

I gently placed my hands on his cheeks and brushed them with my thumbs. He carefully leaned into my hands and kissed one of my hands before holding it and giving me a soft smile. I slowly pulled his face down to mine and connected our lips together. There was no actual explanation to it, I just felt this pull towards him and I went for it.

"Kagaya, it would be my pleasure to marry you." I had pressed our foreheads together and smiled as I looked him in the eyes.

__Time skip__

"Are you ready for this?" My maid of honor asked me and I just smiled and nodded.

I was wearing a traditional wedding Kimono and my hair was tied up in a bun. I was handed my bouquet and led out to the chapel. The big doors were opened and I was being slowly walked down the aisle as everyone stared and made little "aw" sounds, but I just couldn't wait to see him.

"We're here, Amane." The priest escorting me stopped and let me go with a smile.

I stepped up in front of Kagaya and lifted my head up to look him in the eyes. He was crying and held my tiny hands in his. We just stared at each other for a while and stayed in our own little world until the priest who was to be marrying us cleared his throat and we were returned to the room full of people waiting for us to be married.

"Amane-San, do you take Kagaya Ubuyashiki-Sama as your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health?" He asked and I looked back at Kagaya, ready to answer.

"I, Kagaya Ubuyashiki, would be honored to have Amane-Sama as my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health." He smiled at me and waited.

"I do." He had managed to surprise me again with that last stunt. He was the one.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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