chapter. 8

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       ugh here's this probably gonna be crappy                 
the walk to school was pretty awkward it was oddly quiet until eraser head finally spoke up

" uhh so how's you and your uncle doing if you don't mind me asking" he spoke up

"oh uh fine" you quickly responded
not telling him about shigaraki at your house

he simply replied with hmpt. the walk was quiet until he brought something else up

" hey I just wanted to make sure that this wasn't you but I recently saw someone running from security the other day and i'm assuming they stole something" he questioned you

"oh u-uh yeah no...that wasn't me" you said with a slight "heh" at the end

"oh alright" he said

you both finally made it to your school and as you got to the front gates kids started surrounding eraserhead which led you to push through the crowd not liking the attention.

before you could leave the crowd you felt a hand grab your wrist

"hey done get into any trouble kid" eraser head told you

your face turned a light shade of pink due to the sudden contact and you gave him a nod. as you pushed through the crowd and got closer to the entrance your friend came running up to you

"OMGG DID HE WALK YOU TO SCHOOL ?!" she pretty much screamed turning some heads

you covered your ears in a joking way.

"yes. yes he did" you told her

"OMG DUDE YOUR TOTALLY BLUSHING" she said with a dramatic gasp


" no actually I'm blushing because of how loud you are and of how much attention you're attracting" you snapped at her

"and mrs gurl hes way older than me anyways" you added on

"okay and what about it ?" she you told you

"no." you told her

"not gonna happen" you added on

as you walked up to the school you got some weird stares that made you quite confused but you decided to ignore it and just get your day over with.
as you're walking to the halls this green haired who wasn't paying attention ran into you making him drop all of his stuff

"oh shit " you said as you pretty much fell on top of him

the boy looked up at you almost as red as a tomato

"oh s-sorry i wasn't paying attention" he stuttered out

"yeah well obviously" you said with an annoyed tone

without thinking you sat up on him and luckily to you nobody was in the hallway so they wouldn't get the wrong idea.

"are you new here ?" you questioned him visibly confused

" oh no i-i am not" he told you

"hey u-uh can you" he said pointing to you

"oh shit yeah sorry" you said getting off him

as you got up off of him you were building up the courage to ask him what his name is

"well m-my names izuku midorya" he said putting his hand out to you

"it's y/n l/n" you told him shaking his hand

"oh well are y-you okay ? because of the fall" he said as his face turned a darker shade of red that you didn't even know was possible

"yeah just gonna be a little bruise nothing i'm not used to" you simply said

"o-oh" he said with worry in his voice

"OH NOT LIKE THAT MY HOME LIFE IS COMPLETELY FINE.... heh" you quickly told him trying to sound convincing as possible

"oh okay" he told you

"well i have to get going i have things i have to do at home" you said with a sigh "bye" you added

as you started to walk away he said some

"huh?" you said

"h-here's my number so we can hopefully become friends" he said turing an even darker shade of red

"oh okay heh.. i'll text you when i get home" you let him know

"peace" you said with a little salute

"b-bye" you said
your way home was quite but it was an odd quiet. there's no sound of cars for birds which made you feel slightly uneasy. you started to slightly walk faster then you felt like you were being watched which made you start to run.

as you started to get closer to your house a portal like thing opened in somebody grabbed you and with great force.

word count: 744

ouuu yuh an update. this has so many run on sentences-

but my bad for taking absolutely forever to update i'm trying to get better but i like have to motivation till like 4 days later 😃 but ouu yuh
and is it fine if i update at night because that's when i'm like up-

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