chapter. 3

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(wow i have writers block this might be short)

you awoke from the door being slammed open which meant your uncle was home. you thought it would be a good idea to stay in your room. until your door flung open which caused you to let out a squeak.

"well well well, looks like it's just gonna be me and you tell your dad comes home on monday" he said with a smirk

"okay, can you please leave now?" you asked him quietly

he walked up to you only about a few inches away from your bed.

"oh so you think you can tell me what to do ?"
he asked with anger laced in his voice

"no, i asked" you snapped back

with that he slapped you right across your face leaving your lip to sting and eyes to water. he stared down at you with an evil smile. you could smell alcohol reeking from him. he grabbed you by the collar of your shirt off the bed.

"you know you're really pretty right?" he said licking his lips

in reflex you pushed him away as hard as you could. he grabbed you by the neck and started to choke you (not in the kinky way 😔).

"p-please stop" you struggled to get out which only caused him to tighten his grip which made you shut up

"that's what i thought bitch" he spat at you before throwing you down causing you to hit your head on the wall.

he left your room slamming the door on the way out. you said down on your bed with tears falling from your eyes. you went to reach for your cat to only realize he wasn't there. you started to panic wondering where your cat went.

you checked your phone to see what time it was. "11:48 pm" your phone read.

'i'll wait for him to fall asleep and that shouldn't take to long because he's drunk' you thought to yourself

you waited in your room for 30 minutes for him to fall asleep. you assumed he was asleep now so you went to use the bathroom

you washed your hands and as you looked in the mirror you saw a hand mark around your neck which was now bruising.

you slightly touched it and let out a sigh. you slipped on your black high top converse and grabbed your (f/c) hoodie. you grabbed your phone and headphones so you could listen to music after you find your cat. you checked the time once again at it now said "12:15 am"

'should i be stupid and go out the front door incase he's still awake or be smart and maybe hurt myself by going out the window?'

you thought about it for a bit then decided to go out the window. you opened the window then jumped out but you rolled once you hit the ground so you didn't hurt yourself. you looked in the window of your house and in fact saw your uncle awake in the living room looking out side because of the noise.

you quickly ducked down so he could see you then ran. as you got far enough down the road you turn on some music and start to look for your cat.

'he can't be that far' you thought

you spent 20 minutes looking for your cat and found nothing. tears started to swell up in your eyes tell you saw a silhouette of a tall figure about 40 feet away from you. you froze in fear as it started to approach you.

as it got closer you could finally make out some facial features because of the street light that was lighting up the dark road (you live kinda in the city)

"what are you doing out here at this time kid?" the man asked you.

you recognized the tired voice and your heart started to speed up.

"uh- i- i was looking for my cat he ran off" you told him as he walked closer to you.

"this cat?" he asked pointing at the cat.

"omg yes" you gasped

he handed you the cat with a small smile then his eyes moved down to your neck.

"hey what happened to your neck?" he asked his voice laced with concern.

he reached his hand out to touch your neck. once he you flinched.

"o-oh sorry" he said monotoned.

"it's fi-" you got cut off by your phone ringing. you look at it and find out it's your uncle. you ignore it but then get 4 texts saying things like





you can feel tears start to form in your eyes again.

"who was that?" he asks

you snap your attention to him

"o-oh it's my uncle" you stuttered out

"he must be worried you get get home, i'll walk yo-"

"no!" you cut him off

"huh?" he questioned

"i-i don't wanna go home" you tell him with a shaky voice

"uh why's that?" he asks

"he's mad, drunk, and gonna hurt me again" you told him them slapped your mouth with your hand not meaning to say that

"he's what?" he asks slightly angered

"yeah" you said shyly

"here, why don't you stay at my place for the night" he said hopping he didn't sound like a pedo

"wha- are you sure?" you asked him

"you don't even know me for all you know i could kill you or something" you rambled on

"that better than him hurting you"

"my patrol is over anyways come on it's the least thing i could do for you right now, then tomorrow i'll contact the police about him" he added

"no no no please don't do that it's just gonna make it worse" you pleaded to him

he just sighed

"come on" he said waving his hand for you to follow him.

you followed the tired man silently but your mind was racing

'what if he rapes me?'

'why is he being so nice?'

'wait he's actually really attractive'

word count: 1055
wow i lied it is longish.
imma do aizawas pov in the next chapter
i also kinda hate this chapter soo
i hope you enjoyed 🏃‍♀️

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